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2017 Lexember Roundup
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Menu 1. Lexember2017 Round-up
[edit] [top]Lexember2017 Round-up

Here are all the words I created for Nolwynn during Lexember 2017:

Day 1: Things you can wear

zutaba: watch
lootsea: make up
bwomeh: shoe
gorolenwa: wig
oanehzša: cloak

Day 2: Things that are round:

unezšwi: sphere, orb, ball
myo: onion
Sotsoyánu or unyunu [a cutesy way of saying “ball bug”]: rollie pollie
unezšweze: conglobation – the ability to turn into a ball [like Sonic the hedgehog, an armadillo, or a rollie pollie]
sotso: to roll
unezša’awi: torus
zwolenko: eyespot on a butterfly or moth’s wing
uniazšwóleeh: to chase one’s tail [as a dog does]; to run around in circles

day 3: dirty verbs

lorearorunueeh: to be spiritually contaminated in such a way that the purification rituals are needed [typically used of those who venture onto land with no protective magic]
iiloreeeh: to be ritually unclean
pyxoaga: to vomit [an irregular verb]
rolawoleeh: of fish and sea life, to be contaminated [such as from an oil spill] and unfit for human consumption
kulikaa: of trees, to have rot in the heartwood [Tulwyn]. I believe in English this is called druxy.
otšeeeh: to be muddy
fyxabazšeeh: to be covered in poop

day 4: light, darkness, and in-between

txoonúla: light reflected onto low-lying clouds [for example, from a city or the batsignal]
núlesaka: candle, lightbulb
koranúla: torch
lúlala: glitter
fehraswoza: falling star, meteor
lwueeh: to glow
iinúla: black light
yomúla: light from the sun when it is covered, either from clouds or smog or buildings or an eclipse.
zolatswikolatxazba: sunshower

Day 5: insults

Swura: penguin. Calling someone this is extremely insulting. It is a reference to how some species of penguins will steal food from others. Calling someone this is like saying, “You look harmless, but really you are just a parasite. You use your cute charm to use people. You can’t do anything yourself, so you have to sponge off others’ success.”

luwa: a cookoo bird. Calling a woman this is like calling her a terrible mother. It is highly insulting, as parenthood is sacred among the Nolwynn, one of the worst things you could call a woman in Nolwynn society.

Day 6: compliments

amwa: handsome [slang]
kwehna: fertile [slang]
obeeh: helpful
nabageehswonaza: to be good at conversation, interesting/fun to talk to, or to offer good advice
alešekoa: peaceful, friendly

Day 7: midwinter words

falamu: deciduous tree
zwonyara or tšuarazetaba: story time
falala: the smell of impending snow
txazboreeha: solstice
faloma: blanket of snow
falina: snowflake
falatšenka: snowman
falazšwi: snowball [contains conotations of playing]

Day 8: furry things

yufa: a hair in a gross place, such as a wart with a hair growing out of it.

Day 9: verbs that could kill you

katxolweeh: to maul
šozakwaéoeeh: to immure someone/something
uuyomá zalteeh: to torture
uakwuokatxeeh: bleed to death

Day 10: free day

olwaneeh: of a human baby, to be born with teeth. A very bad omen in Nolwynn culture. It is said that a child born with teeth may have demonic blood.

day 11: Disney

šaša: tangle
akumwala: war
kwitwala: lion
ganú: revenge

day 12: odors and smells

atsxorugoro: nose hair
uloa: fragrance, a good smell
tumakxalineeh: to have a floral smell
faloa: to have a salty smell [an irregular verb]
ulinoa: pheromone
atsxoruuneeh: to smell rotten
atšubyxo: body odor
ulooma: perfume
atsxorusxwaana: phantosmia [phantom smell or olfactory hallucination]
kwehnatsxorara: the hyper-sensitivity to smells that some women experience during pregnancy

day 13: amusement parks and fairs

pxawa: popcorn
swifuza, sweza: cotton candy
ehrizuzehka: funnel cake
koree oša gala: fireworks
a’arereh: clown
pxatwuzako: rollercoaster “bounce”
a’arezeleh: amusement park
a’atwuzakino: carousel
lalá zšeeh: to be dizzy
lozúnoma: crowd

Day 14: things that grow

yuyua o’onwukoraleeh: to have a pimple
tšyuzumi: cancer
azwuzonunya ikwa: caterpillar
zema: mold

day 15: crime

zamaranuzua: crime
zameranuzua: criminal
zamaranomuzua: mafia
eehruzuéo: to smuggle [something], to steal [something]
geehtxoruzu: to break a promise, to go back on an oath

Day 16: autumnal verbs

iitšoleeh: to be bare, to be uncovered
lxonuleeh: to change colors
makala zšeeh: to be balanced, to be equal
tabakala: equinox
zatsaa zalteeh: to get colder

Day 17: vernal verbs

uusokyoneeh: to defrost
umolueeh: to become numerous; to breed
kxalinéoa zšeeh: to blossom or bud
kxalinéoataba: springtime [Tulwyn]
éhsxonutaba: allergy season
larenyónua: tornado

Day 18: things found in a bedroom

esakehrikoa: bed
yomalxa: blanket
núlesakeha: lamp, light-source, flashlight
pwoa: pillow
galyoa: a sex toy

Day 19: arts and theater

aleineeh: lullaby

day 20: no theme

larenwesakeha: sail

day 21: things found on the equator

kalatum: equator
kwokalala: horizon
ašumazwe: monsoon, tropical storm
larenwomee: trade winds
larenwuukw: doldrums

day 22: under the sea

erokyxara: [hydrothermal] vent
koaswimazolazel: estuary
awolina: shrimp
pxawola: clam

day 23: booze, drugs, and general lack of sobriety

akaseeeh: drunk [or crazy]
kea’aréna akséoeeh: drinking alcohol
sxafa: shame
sxafera: idiot

day 24: things that are white

kwiseo: pearl
nweala: opal
abuzwole: sclera

day 25: things that are black

zwine: pupil [of an eye]
korunazako: obsidian
kapalxaswifu: chocolate “fermented sweet,” a reference to the fact that cacao must be fermented to create chocolate
kxarala: raven
bula: ink

day 26: midsummer words

yxikala: meadow
wikasxeeh: bloom [as in, to blossom]
šorwara: heat
tšyarami zšeeh: to grow
šorwasazšotaba: a night that is extremely hot

day 27: things you can give

kuzurobe oša uniswozšeh: sexually transmitted disease
syxeegibxeeh: to shake hands with someone
kuzurobe rewa nolazšwu obwii: computer virus
amunwa: things done to show that you care about someone else
šuswola: compliment

day 28: weather and sky

zanašumeh: sandstorm
ašuna: an impending storm on the horizon
zwoleašumeh: eye of the storm
zolakarolxa: to drizzle [water drip]
pela: warm drizzly rain that often comes out of a nearly cloudless sky and features rainbows. Very common in the Equatorial Islands of Kireles.
yxuzola: “fortean rain,” raining frogs or other creatures
tšyxitxoona: mammatus cloud

day 29: things that are rectangular

tsxówesakeh: punching bag
orikatšuo: tree trunk
nolezšwowo: cylinder
sozesakehu: table
šelalxazuzeh: magazine, newspaper

day 30: no theme

yomazweeeh: to encrypt something

day 31: celebrations

a’aragala: the name of a celebration welcoming a baby’s first laugh
iitswomaa: music with a strong beat, the kind made for dancing to; dance music
lootseehzua: to decorate one’s face with face paint [not the same as wearing makeup]
galomagala: festival drama, a reenactment of mythical events. Festival dramas are common during winter and summer celebrations
nonimoreltxagala: blessing the full moon, a celebration that most Nolwynn tribes partake in every month.
uakwuogala: the name of a celebration welcoming a girl’s first menstruation
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