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Culture: Eclipse Beliefs
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what the Nolwynn think about eclipses
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 28 Jun 2022, 16:14.

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The Nolwynn are very superstitious. They try very hard to keep each other safe during times perceived to be dangerous. Eclipses and full moons are both considered dangerous for the same reasons.

During the full moon, Orwéoree Kuwéliig "The Ones Who Never Cast Shadows" or "The Shadowless Ones," are said to come down from the moon once a month. They are said to be gigantic shadow beings, but the details differ from clan to clan. Some believe the Shadowless Ones are pitch black and shadowy, but when seen from behind have a silvery aura. Others say they they are impossibly tall and lanky and cast a "shadow" of silvery moonlight. And still others say they almost look like normal people with black eyes and an uneasy smile.

image found here:

They move across seashores and other liminal spaces, usually in groups. They basically carry out the Goddess's bidding, whatever that may be. And since the Goddess is ultimately unknowable, this can be dangerous. There are stories of shamans who were taken by the Shadowless Ones and brought to a mysterious moonscape-like realm and returned to the planet blinded. Why they take people is unknown. They are sometimes used as a boogeyman to scare children.

During a solar eclipse, the Shadowless Ones' power grows exponentially - but they are only able to exist on the planet for a very short time during totality. It is during this time that the Shadowless Ones are not actually bound to the Goddess's will, making them even more dangerous than usual.

The Avoidance Language is used during the time leading up to and during totality.

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