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Idioms, slang, cursing, and euphemisms
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Jun 2022, 16:37.

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Menu 1. General 2. Apologizing 3. Cursing 4. Ways to talk about love

[edit] [top]General

Rewa erol zwole txazbalxa elazanwea
Meaning: Nothing goes unseen and justice always comes to those who need or deserve it.
Literally: "The eye of the sun watches all"

Non yeeytxa [iigara parintxea’eey]
Meaning: I pretend like everything is okay but really I’m overwhelmed and terrified.
Literally: “I carry the ocean [without drowning]”

Oaleype zyóleey
Meaning: I taunt something that I should just leave alone, “poking a bear.”
Literally: “I chase oaleype [a poisonous jellyfish species]”

Tumeraree kala giinaza
Meaning: They are lying.
Literally: “They speak like land-dwellers.”

Bxalwóla uakulapo.
Meaning: It’s a blessing in disguise.
Literally: “It’s a feeding frenzy.”
Notes: Nolwynn tribes will sometimes happen upon groups of feeding sharks. The remnants of such interactions are an easy source of food for the ocean nomads – as long as they are careful.

Imá fazola fa.
Meaning: Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Literally: “Saltwater is salty.”

Meaning: Nonsense!
Literally: “Fish breath”

Erol zyóloara kwa, non yanu
Meaning: Bad things happen to everyone
Literally: “An ocean wave crushes all in its path”

Meaning: Stand strong against your troubles and don’t be dismayed.
Literally: "Fight the storm!"

Kwitxee ešálo!
Meaning: Good luck!
Literally: "Scare the sharks!"

Sazšintxeaa kwa yuyua zalta
Meaning: You're wasting your time
Literally: "You're pissing in the ocean"
Notes: This one is considered crude; maybe don't say it in mixed company. Make it even more crude by saying:

Tšees kwa yuyua zalta
Notes: In some clans, Tšees is considered an ineffable name. Using it in this manner may result in threats of banishment.

tšazo zša non yawewontxa?
What’s new?
Literally: “What have the waves brought you?”

karankua iinealeey!
"I don't care about dry bread [ie, crackers]!"
You're crazy and I want no part of it!
[If you understand this reference, you get some ice cream!]

kwitxee tsxówa
Courting something dangerous due to pride or overconfidence
Literally: "she’s punching sharks"

Eyzmee parintxeaa
Doing something pointless and wasting time
Literally: "she’s drowning fish"

Tum zo non kala
They have insurmountable differences
Literally: "[they are] like land and sea"

Kwitxa šazina
It is not easy
“shark scales”

Azulea slozyánu iikweynya
Trust good things
Literally: “Wasps don’t make honey”

[edit] [top]Apologizing

For context on these idioms, see the article on Apologizing.
bxora kwa awolina
it’s not a big deal
Literally: "it’s a shrimp in the basket"

bxora kwa nwa
It's a big deal
Literally: "It's a whale in the basket"

walee eyzmumalee šalinwa
apologies are meaningless if they are not backed up by actions
Literally: "fish are worth more than words"

bxora kolá’o
An apology is required.
Literally: "Fetch a basket"

[edit] [top]Cursing

You probably shouldn't say these in mixed company.

Yuyua zalteey
Meaning: I piss
Literally: "I make slime"

[edit] [top]Ways to talk about love

Uá aleymee zšeey zša maanaboluawea
Literally: “You make my ears sing.”
Explanation: Said between romantic partners, there are several layers of cultural influence in this phrase. First, aleyma here is used in both the literal [“ear”] and metaphorical ways [“faith” or “hope”, in reference to the spiritual values held dear by the Nolwynn]. Second, maanaba is a type of singing used during emotionally powerful moments.

ezša zšeey zša
Meaning: “You are my destiny”
Explanation: Among some Nolwynn, there is the belief that soulmates - romantic or otherwise - are formed together at the beginning of time. Returning together is thus their destiny. This one can be said to romantic partners, friends, or anyone that you share ezša with.
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