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Quoting and Indirect Speech
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Gramuary 2019
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 5 Aug 2019, 18:13.

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Menu 1. Quoting and indirect speech 2. Notes:
[edit] [top]Quoting and indirect speech

Nolwynn uses the defective verb gwina for quoting. Gwina is derived from the word ganaza and the subjunctive mood. Here are examples of it in use:

Kxalina said, 'I'm hungry!'
Kxalina gwina, 'Orunu’uapo eeyr!'
Kxalina QUOQuotative
marks a direct or indirect quote
| hunger have.1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I

I said to Mwaala, 'I love you.'
Mwaala á zšeey gwina, 'Utxaozeeywe.'
Mwaala to IInterjection (POS) QUOQuotative
marks a direct or indirect quote
| love<you><ERGErgative (case)
TRANS subject; agent
>.1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; IInterjection (POS)

Imera yelled, 'Get lost!'
Imera kxatšawe zo gwina 'Eloála!'
Imera yell<ERGErgative (case)
TRANS subject; agent
>.3SThird person singular (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
and QUOQuotative
marks a direct or indirect quote
| lost.IMPImperative (mood)

At dawn, Gorwol said, 'I'm sleepy.'
Otabanea kwa, Gorwol gwina, 'Arikoa orunueey.'
dawn in Gorwol QUOQuotative
marks a direct or indirect quote
| sleep<VBZVerbaliser
converts N, ADJ etc into verb
> need.1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I

[edit] [top]Notes:

Gwina doesn't show aspect, mood, ergativity, or person. It is completely fossilized as a 3rd person singular, subjunctive verb. Because it is fossilized like this, notice how in the second example the pronoun zšeey "I" is used to clarify. The third example shows how you can say that someone said something in a particular manner [whispering, yelling, screaming]: use a verb describing how it was said - in this case, kxatšawe "yelling" - and add ergativity markers, if necessary, to it.
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