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Untranslatable words
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 21 Jul 2021, 15:05.

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This is just a list of "untranslatable" words in  Nolwynn arranged for easy reference.

a'ariinweey: That empty and vaguely sad feeling after you have a long bout of lively laughter. It feels like a "crash," like you're coming down from feeling so good.

anwereeytx: To experience or feel the deep love and emotion that connects people who are separated by vast distance or death.

awewa: an ideophone representing something floating on the ocean waves.

arikuzunorwa : Addiction to perverse magic such as necromancy. Sometimes used metaphorically to refer to any kind of extremely grotesque and physically detrimental addiction or vice.

éysxose : A stuck sneeze; feeling like you need to sneeze but it won't come out. Alternatively, any awkward or uncomfortable situation where it seems like people have something to say but won't let it out.

ezšakula: The force opposing destiny: the invocation of the human will to defy what the gods decree.

iigararikoa : A kind of sleep that actually makes you less rejuvenated.

kali'aneey: To drift aimlessly on life's currents, taking the easiest path or just letting life take you where it wants; acting like a piece of driftwood that has no volition, agency, or desire to better oneself.

kašikalwiikeey : To experience a specific type of disappointment where you are unsurprised by the actions of someone who should know better but doesn’t care.

kuzutxamoneey: feeling guilt associated with being sick because you can’t take care of your responsibilities. This is the opposite of kuzunabareey.

kuzunabareey : feeling relief that comes with being sick because you don’t have to do anything, you can just relax and indulge, pamper yourself, and ignore all your responsibilities. This is the opposite of kuzutxamoneey

kxayoruzua: The crushing realization that your life’s work, all your hard work, was for naught and your dreams/goals will never come to fruition.

kyoyora : A dream within a dream - the kind of dream where you wake up, thinking that the dream has ended, only to wake up again, this time in actuality. These kinds of dreams are considered powerful omens.

lorearorunueey : to be spiritually contaminated in such a way that the purification rituals are needed [typically used of those who venture onto land with no protective magic].

luurea : That mixture of sadness, nostalgia, longing, and grief felt as you watch your parents get old and frail, particularly if you were not close but wish you had been.

maanaba : Maanaba, or "singing with joy," is an improvisational style of music that uses a lot of hand bells and small percussion instruments such as kali'analilo, a percussion instrument made from driftwood. It is known for its joyous yet chaotic sound. Maanaba-style music does not pay attention to time signature or key - everyone sings and plays what is in their heart. Non-language vocalizations and tearful ululation give maanaba its intensity. This style of music is common during emotionally big moments, such as during the birth of a child.

more'eey : to lie about how good the sex was [or was not]

mweeyzo : Feeling like you are slowly falling out of love with someone; a sad feeling because this word implies that you still WANT to love the person

omazehzo’a the feeling one has for a former loved one, so good and bad feelings, love and hate.

rolawoleey : of fish and sealife, to be contaminated with pollutants and unfit for consumption

šuzulxeey : to be contrary; to go against something; to rebel [never used to refer to going against the Avoidance Language or custom - there is a specific word for that]; doing something just because you’re not supposed to just to be contrary or irritating

tumintuzoneey : Fear and paranoia associated with being confronted by a deep ocean trench while diving. Can be used metaphorically to refer to the feeling of being confronted by anything scary and unknown.

txoonúla : light reflected onto low-lying clouds [for example, from a city or the batsignal].

yomúla: Light from the sun when it is covered (such as from clouds, smog, buildings, or an eclipse).

zazineey : That fuzzy feeling when accosted by something ridiculously adorable.

zolašeey : wanting to go out and do something but you can't because the weather is terrible, so you have to wait for the weather.

zolatxazbara :

zonunyózu : splendor; magnificence; awe-inspiring beauty [especially of something non-human and perhaps dangerous]

zwoleeykwa : The annoying feeling of having something stuck in your eye. Can be used metaphorically to refer to something/someone who is really annoying, a pest you can't get rid of.

zwúkeey : That feeling - a mix of irritation, shock, and anger - when someone is able to make an assumption about you that is accurate yet unflattering, embarrassing, or shameful.

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mourning and birth rituals

fertility vocabulary

eclipse beliefs

captative verbs

food rituals

parenting culture


responses to sneezing

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