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Culture: Corporeal Values
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cornerstone of Nolwynn culture
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 28 Jun 2022, 16:26.

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11. 2024 Goals ? ?
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29. ergativity ? ?
32. Fossils ? ?
43. Negation ? ?
46. Plurals ? ?
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51. Pronouns ? ?
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61. Verbs 1 ? ?
Menu 1. Origin 2. The Values 3. Importance 4. The Avoidance Language
[edit] [top]Origin

The Corporeal Values or Atšuoa Orunuobea are key values that pop up again and again in Nolwynn culture. They are derived from the creation myth, where the goddess Tšees imbued different body parts with different abilities. Those abilities in turn became symbolic for important spiritual values. They are also associated with colors.

[edit] [top]The Values

WordLiteral MeaningSpiritual Value
Atšuobodyfortitude, resilience
Bwololeg, foot, toerighteousness, dignity
Syeerithand, finger, armjustice
Ootseaface, personality, selfhooddivinity
Uakwuoblood, soulfamily

[edit] [top]Importance

Most everything in Nolwynn religion comes back to these values. They are considered important elements that must be respected or harm could come to the clan.

[edit] [top]The Avoidance Language

The Corporeal Values are intimately connected to the Avoidance Language. Read more about it in the article Honorifics and Avoidance Language .

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