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Proto-Sarvara Translations
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Translations in Proto-Sarvara
This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 29 Jul 2022, 16:42.

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I speak...:
I speak Proto-Sarvara.


Let it be known that I, Sinhusa the Ferret-King, killed a weasel with this stone.


Death in the Family
Let it be known that my brother has been killed by a Weasel.


A: Hello.


B: Hey, how are you?


A: Yeah, I'm good, and you?


B: I'm alright, I've just been working on some new textile designs.


B: This new shawl of mine shows the story of my great-grandfather, who was attacked by a weasel and lost his left arm.


A: That's a bit gory...


B: At least be thankful I'm not including the blood in the design.

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