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Proto-Morellic Culture
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 11 Jul 2022, 16:53.

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Menu 1. Proto-Morellic Peoples: 2. Proto-Morellic, Cervino-Rhohitan, Culture:
[edit] [top]Proto-Morellic Peoples:

The Rohita Tribe
The Rohita tribe was the initial tribe placed to the western side of the lake, in the Morellic River Basin.

Taking advantage of the vibrant nature provided within the area caused by the soil which was made fertile due to the inherent minerals and bones in the ground, the river, and many ancient baby meadows, this minikin tribe elected to spend their days within the trees - making fairly large houses underneath branches, made out of clay taken from the riverbed which they’d temporarily store in their large cheeks.

This caused an inherent potency to the effectiveness of the enzymes within Rohita saliva, which would kill any bacteria within the clay and make it malleable and shapable. This meant that Rohita saliva was twice as effective as other tribes’ saliva.

Not only did they form homes in trees for their large households and litters, but they’d also plant acorns and other seeds within the ground which they left the trees, seeing them not as good but rather the first ingredient in cooking up a home - a part of a semi-religious ritual involving the rebirth of life.

Exhibiting red hair and fur, these minikin only used the reddest of clay from the riverbeds, eventually getting a taste for iron-rich food from the soil they’d store in their mouths - leading to the first signs of carnivory in a minikin population, as they’d go out of their way to find and kill small rodents on the ground, which they’d then eat and share with their families.

Apart from meat, their diets consisted mainly of petals, leaves, and berries - which they’d season with the ground up seeds of flowers. The only animal they wouldn’t eat, however, is the squirrel. Being descended from squirrels, it just seemed morally corrupt to eat something so close to one’s self - it’d be like eating a brother. So, red minikin would mainly consume baby mice, slugs and snails when it rained, and small stoats - if they didn’t get eaten by one themselves, as weasels and mustelids were a main predator of minikin at this time.

The Cervina Tribe
The Cervina Tribe, like the Rohita, inhabited the western flank of the lake, after having been placed south - in the equatorial rainforest - before they were driven away by the native Demislugs.

Living on the ground rather than in the trees, they didn’t get into many fights with Rohita Minikin - and infact interbred with them a lot. They were infact the ethenic group which created the Morchella - as they had selectively bred the local Morel mushrooms for a large size with the help of magic, eventually creating Morchella esculenta giganta, which they would take shelter and residence within.

Being a highly vegetarian tribe, these minikin would not consume any organic food source other than their mothers’ milk, and would mainly eat berries, beans, leaves, and nuts, the majority of which would be roasted above communal fireplaces, which their Morchella Houses would be built around.

Due to this vegetarian worldview, the Cervina began to use small biscuits made of pure dough as currency - whose value was decided by how well each biscuit tasted. Eventually, distributing rotten or bad-tasting biscuits became taboo and, in some cases, was punishable by ostracism.

They domesticated the first giant snails, which they had brought with them from the southern rainforest in which they had been placed after The Great Anthropormorphisation - this migration is the same reason for the abjad of the stonechild empire being written left-to-right and their concept of time flowing east, as they initially saw The Morellic River flowing toward the rising sun - right to left - to the east.

[edit] [top]Proto-Morellic, Cervino-Rhohitan, Culture:

Creatures, to the Proto-Morellic peoples, may have been fantastical or real - it didn't matter. An incomprehensible beast not of their world would have been just as realm as any real beast of theirs, they would have just rationalised that they hadn't seen any beasts that weren't real.

Squirrels, in the Morellic realm, are different to the squirrels of Earth. They, Sciurus alucinatus, feature Fortuitary Glands, and so are capable of magic. They mostly utilise it in order to keep warm, as their boreal habitats can get quite cold during the night. This can lead to a common feature of Squirrels, their burnt ears - known as meb₂g₃iru.

In addition, the use of magic had led to a very strange adaptation - the use of the tail for flight. A Squirrel will puff out their tail up in the air, and use their fortuitary gland in order to lift themselves from where they sit, using their tail as a parachute or gliding implement in order to stay afloat. This had led to the common name of these squirrels, "Pufftail Squirrels" or ngeb₃ara ttid₂er.

Weasels are a viscious animal, and were a great threat to the proto-morellic peoples.

Sabretooth Squirrel
Spined Squirrel
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