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2. The Secrets of the Empire
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A telling of the Secrets of the Empire of the Petrified Child
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 14 Mar 2022, 07:27.

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The Secrets of the Empire

The Empire of the Petrified Child was a force to be reckoned with - that's for sure. But that doesn't mean they didn't have their foes - to the west sat the Civilisation of the Archepelago which, while not as organised or a single political entity for that matter, shared a culture in common which harboured a long-lived hatred defined by the Empire's one-time attempt to seize control of a territory there.

The oligarchy knew they had eyes on them, from the outside and on the inside, and so their Capital was Amanitaville to the west of the White Lake, but they had in fact built a great Alucinari gateway, sustained indefinitely by the Glandlings, underneath the Aesculus (k s p ' kw h d in  Stonechild Imperial) which led to another city in the realm of -3°e

This newer and unknown city, contructed and added to for centuries, went by the name of Vacuitasia (k d k kh r s d in  Stonechild Imperial.) It had about half of everything a city would need - Guards, Infrastructure, and Imprisonment, but it lacked Irrigation, Farms, and had little to no places to sleep. The inhabitants would just eat and rest in Amanitaville, and those without houses there would just sleep on the job, and food wasn't much of a concern if they were getting paid.

The Secret City was built to maintain the Empire and enrich it in ways incomprehensible - and it would probably work as a bunker if they recieved word that the Rust God Steya would hypothetically find the empire to be a blight of the world and turn everything and everyone within it to sludge and ash - see Baby Meadows.
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