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The preposition
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 5 Mar 2016, 15:34.

[Public] ? ?
8. The noun ? ?
12. The verb ? ?

§65. The following are the primitive prepositions:

a, to, (before the infinitive) in order to.
adu, at (local).
ante, before (time and place).
co, with.
contra, against, toward.
da, from, since. de, of.
di, about, concerning.
ecs, out of, from.
ecstra, besides.
in, in, into.
inter, between, among.
per, through, by.
po, after, behind.
pro, for.
sine, without.
sirca, around, about.
similu, like
su, on, upon.
sub, under.
transu, over, across.
ultra, beyond.
uske, until, till.
versu, toward.
via, by way of, via.

§ 66. The remaining prepositions are derivative and are formed from other parts of speech or from roots by the
addition of the suffix -u, or they are formed by circumlocution. The principal ones follow:

a conto de, to the account of.
destre de, at the right of.
dorsu, back of, behind.
durantu, during.
ecsetu, excepting, except.
ecseteriore de, outside of, outside.
favoru, in favor of.
in domo de, in the house of.
inferiore de, at (in on) the lower part of.
infra de, below
in honoro de, in honor of.
in maniero de, after the manner of.
in mediado de, in the middle of.
in nomo de, in the name of.
in sentro de, in the center of.
in sosieteto de, in company with.
in tempo de, at the time of.
interiore de, inside of, inside.
causu, because of, on account of.
considerantu, in consideration of.
co permito de, by permission of.
co sucurso de, with the help of.
longu, along.
mancu, for lack of, in defeault of.
mediu, by means of, through, by.
negligantu, regardless of.
ostinu, in spite of.
ocasionu, on occasion of.
plasu (or: in plaso de), instead of, in place of.
presentu, before, in presence of.
profitu, for the benefit of.
procsimu, near.
relativu, relative to. secuantu, according to.
secuantu comando de, by order of. s
sinistre de, at the left of.
siteriore de, on the hither side of.
superiore de, at (in on) the upper part of
supra de, over, above.
ulteriore de, on the thither side of.
visinu, in the vicinity of, beside.

Prepositions always precede the substantive in the nominative, e.g.:

{favoru mei frato}, in favor of my brother
{ad muro}, at the wall.
{pro mi}, for me.
{causu pluvio}, because of the rain.
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