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Basics 3: Compound words
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Expressing complex ideas in Ofofen
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 24 Feb 2023, 01:37.

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If we put a space between every descriptor of every noun and verb, text can be very hard to read. Here is the beginning of The North Wind and the Sun:

I Mo Ke On In Ba e In Gi u ka ken om ki gen kem. den hu i ta u om hi e om in ba kem, gu ken ha hem ga Ba Ken u ba fi ba. "i no u a o kem", u In Gi fen, "ka ken om ki u da Ba Ken e gu ken ha hem to na ka ken".

At least for me, this is pretty impenetrable.

We can make it a lot better by combining descriptors into compound words. All we are doing is deleting spaces: the syntax and grammar are completely unaffected.

Imokeon Inba e Ingi u kaken om ki gen kem. denhu ita u om hi e om inba kem, gu kenhahem ga Baken u bafi ba. "ino u a okem", u Ingi fen, "kaken om ki u da Baken e gu kenhahem to na kaken".

The specific spaces I have chosen to remove are mainly personal taste. I have grouped words similarly to how they are grouped in English. Here are some guidelines:
  1. Always keep spaces before and after "u".
  2. Always keep a space between the object and the verb.
  3. Join nouns to their adjectives.
  4. Join verbs to their adverbs.
  5. Keep spaces around postpositions and connectives (explained in detail later).
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