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Noun cases and prepositions
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 14 Sep 2022, 06:45.

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5. Pronouns ? ?
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Quenya was my initial inspiration, so I have quite a few cases.
The case endings go first, then the possessive endings.

Besides the cases, Arlael has older standalone prepositions, which can still be used in place of the cases, especially in poetry. The standalone words usually have an initial i-, and this is usually dropped. I believe we're moving towards having all the prepositions as noun endings, even the ones without formal cases so far.

No case marker for nom/acus.

Genitive (of/'s): -ie (this is also a common ending for words that are considered big, important, or abstract).
It's added onto consonants, and replaces final singular vowels. It merges with words already ending in -ie, and I haven't figured out the other scenarios yet.

The "towards" case (cannot remember if this is allative or ablative): -thwe
Can change to -twe- if you're adding -thwi (possesive 2nd pers) as well.

I also have "from" but I'll have to look it up.

Dative is derived from "towards," so the ending is -t. I have to think about how possessive endings interact with that. The ending keeps the initial i-, I think.

Locative (in): -las.

Instrumental, and possibly others. Vocative?

The main preposition I have is iveth / 'veth / (-veth?), "beneath."
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