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A song + translation
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Sep 2022, 22:02.

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'Veth Taina
Ai kain' vérinwie léna.
É aina
Ru twírerin--
An quairea dún' yéna!

Wénwilean, núnirean, wéthilea rímanwi!
Ilissie núnilbre ri--beth Kémie-télanwi!
Ru ilse
'Las rílakilse.

'Las Alvawéth
Avrileath Arlathwe.
Rím' kíra

Rinnanwi lis' laivireath--tisiliswa ri beth núne!
Kainilean, rékilean, ai Kémie be lúne.
É Ilsevéro!

Anúnirvanneth Tairiet
Avérokonneth víruvru!


Sung by Ilselin at Noyelillos' leavetaking. The easiest way to describe this is "Imagine an Elf standing at the Grey Havens, singing to her best friend as his ship leaves this shore." But my Elves (the Anwi) have wings, and the harbor is in the eternally twilit lands of a world that orbits a red dwarf star.

I wrote this song many years ago, and I consider it my best work in Arlaen so far. I don't fully remember all the word meanings, but I will do my best.

'Veth Taina
beneath Star.dome
"Beneath the Star-dome"

"I stand alone"

Ai kain' vérinwie léna.
and sorrowful dear.person-my-gen act.of.leaving
(note: this noun is in "intensity mode," and implies, for ex., leaving forever or for a long time, or a departure with deep feelings attached)
"And sorrowful is my dear one's leavetaking!"

É aina
interjection emotional.anguish
"O heartbreak"

Ru twírerin--
"Like piercing star-fire"

An quairea dún' yéna!
1sg.obj fill-pres.prog deep act.of.yearning
"Deep yearning fills me!"

Wénwilean, núnirean, wéthilea rímanwi!
be.forsaken-prs.prog-1sg lose-prs.prog-1sg wane-prs.prog light-my
"I am forsaken, I am losing you, my light is waning!"

Ilissie núnilbre ri-- beth Kémie-télanwi!
morning.spring.sweetness be.lost-prf now copula-2sg.fam Twilight-star-my.
"Morning has passed away now--you are my Evenstar!"
(note: I could be wrong but I think téla means "a star as something kindled by Neina the Lamplighter" [one of Arlael's Deities], and may be the closest thing to a "generic" word for star.)

Ru ilse
like star
"Like a star"
("Like star" [Different word for star--they have many! this one means "a star as something that shines with silver-white light")

'Las rílakilse.
in water-silver
"In the water of silver."

"White swan ship"

'Las Alvawéth
in Gold-fading
"In the sunset"

Avrileath Arlathwe.
soar-prs.prog-2sg.fam sky-towards
"You spread your wings and fly to the Sky"

Rím' kíra
bright (?)spark
"A bright spark"

"You bear"

(note: I remember "Vé" has to do with "west" but I don't remember "lána.")
"Into the everblissful West!"

Rinnanwi lis' laivireath-- tisiliswa ri beth núne!
?[noun]-my sweet take-prs.prog-2sg.fam twinkle-act.part now copula-2sgfam lost
"You take my sweet [unknown noun]--twinkling now you are lost!"

Kainilean, rékilean, ai Kémie be lúne.
grieve(intrans)-prs.prog-1sg break(intrans)-prs.prog-1sg and Twlight is deep
"I weep, I break, and the dusk is deep."

"Child of Light"

É Ilsevéro!
Interjection Ilselin-dear-masc
"O dear one of Ilselin!" (Or "star-beloved")
(Note: I hesitate to use "beloved" because it implies romantic love. This relationship would probably best be described as a queerplatonic relationship.)

Anúnirvanneth Tairiet
eternal-lose(trans)-prs-vol*-1sg.sub-2sg.obj.fam blessed.dreamlike.west.dative
"I will lose you to the West."
(Note: I'm using vol(itional) to refer to the infix "-v(a)-," which implies a conscious decision, intention, or willingness.)

Avérokonneth víruvru!
eternal-love-fut-1stsg.sub-2sg.obj.fam eternity-duration
"I will love you forever!'


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