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This private article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 7 Jun 2014, 17:36.

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Menu 1. Qu'es un verbe irregolar? - What is an irregular verb? 2. Són-ess communs - Are they common? Seeing as tables gobble up character limits like an SUV gulps gas, I've set aside this article for discussing irregular verbs.

[edit] [top]Qu'es un verbe irregolar? - What is an irregular verb?

Irregular verbs are individual verbs which fit into neither a regular nor a semi-regular conjugation. Other verbs may conjugate in the same way as an irregular verb, but they are either few in number or transparently derived from it. Below are some possible situations covered by that definition:

"Estre" is a unique verb. No other verbs conjugate even similarly to it, so there is no doubt that it is an irregular verb.

Transparent derivations
"Metre" falls into this category. Verbs that conjugate like it include "parmetre", "emetre", "emmetre" and "sozmetre". In other circumstances, that might even be enough to qualify as a semi-regular conjugation, but all of these verbs are clearly derived from "metre", justifying its irregular status.

Few unrelated verbs
"Tar" exemplifies this type. Another verb which conjugates exactly like it is "dar". The two verbs are not clearly related, and an etymological search shows they definitely aren't. However, "dar" is the only verb that conjugates like "tar". Two like verbs aren't considered enough to create a semi-regular conjugation.

[edit] [top]Són-ess communs - Are they common?

Indeed, most Silvish irregular verbs are very common. And they're all the more resistant to change for it. But they aren't completely stable either. The most prominent example is a merger of "buoldre" and "voler" occurring in some dialects.

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