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Manskolian Verbs
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Verbs in Manskolian
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 7 Jul 2015, 09:54.

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[edit] [top]Verbs in Manskolian

How to conjugate verbs in Manskolian.

There are two different types of verbs in Manskolian: a-verbs and á-verbs.
It's very simple: a-verbs end in 'a' and á-verbs end 'á'.

A-verbs: (ex. jöra (to make) and aqwa (to drink))
Present: -as (jöras, aqwas)
Past: -at (jörat, aqwat)
Present perfect: -ös (jörös, aqwös)
Past perfect: -ös (jörös, aqwös)
Future: -öt (jöröt, aqwöt)

Á-verbs: (ex. spiqá (to speak), tšajá (to buy))
Present: -er (spiqer, tšajer)
Past: -ed (spiqed, tšajed)
Present perfect: -ar (spiqar, tšajar)
Past perfect: -ar (spiqar, tšajar)
Future: -ad (spiqad, tšajad)

All verbs in Manskolian are regular (except hótla 'to be') and end in either 'a' or 'á'.

Special case hótla (to be):
Am/are/is = as (short for hótlas)
Were/was = at (short for hótlat)
Been = ös (short for hótlös)
Be (future) = öt (short for hótlöt)

I like you = ét jilas dú.
He wrote it = mána lasamed máne.
You shall be smart = dú ši öt sumartu.

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