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Adjectives and nouns
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A little about adjectives and verbs in Manskolian
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 22 Jun 2015, 19:31.

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Menu 1. Adjectives 2. Nouns 3. Combining nouns and adjectives 4. Example sentences
[edit] [top]Adjectives

Degrees of comparison
PositiveComparative Superlative
Suffix NONE-s/-es-š/-eš
Example 1 Vata (white)Vatas (whiter)Vataš (whitest)
Example 2 Gránd (big)Grándes (bigger)Gránd (biggest)

The '-s' and '-š' suffixes are added if the adjective ends in a consonant. If the adjective ends in a vowel, '-es' or '-eš' is added.

So for example, 'My brother is bigger than you' is 'Min nangagrándes as dän dú'

To make a noun plural in Manskolian you simply add the '-n' (if the noun ends in a vowel) or the '-en' (if the noun ends in a consonant) suffix.

One cow - many cows = Én qá - müngá qán
One light - many lights = Én jut - müngá juten

Definite articles
To make a noun definite in Mankolian you just add the word 'dé' (which means 'the') in front of it.

The girl - Dé qol
The cat - Dé näqo

[edit] [top]Combining nouns and adjectives

In Manskolian you write nouns and adjectives as one word.
For example instead of writing 'Én sval näqo' (A black cat) you write 'Én näqosval' (A catblack).

The adjectives are separated in two groups, time (old, new, short) and appearance (big, blue, ugly). An adjective that doesn't fit in any of the groups can be placed in the appearance group.

If the noun has a confusing suffix (like 'egránd') you add a 'ap' or a 'em' in front.
For example 'Dé verktonegránd' can be mistaken for a noun and then a time adjective, so we write it as 'Dé verktonapegránd'.

TypeCombining letterOrderExample
Time'm' or 'e'Adjective-nounÉn öltemán (an old man)
Appearance 'p' or 'a'Noun-adjectiveÉn ajagránd (a big eye)

[edit] [top]Example sentences

The cat is blue and cool = Dé näqoblasul non qowl as.
My chicken is the smallest = Min tšüqlingapegrándeš as.
I like your black and white cows = Ét jilas din qánasval non vata.

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