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This article is about Ugaria and it's people.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 26 Apr 2020, 17:25.

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3. Ugaria ? ?
This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.
Ugaria is a country with a population of about 100,000 people. It is in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the continent Viachland in Dimension 751 and uses a different time system than it's neighboring countries! (Real-world Earth is Dimension 1.) As the Ugarian language evolved, from Viachta to Mideaval Ugarian, and finally to Modern Ugarian/the Lengmer Dialect, the language lost and gained multiple sounds. For example, the letter/sound "ǎ" wasn't in Ugarian until two brothers tried making a secret code with that one extra sound. The sound became popular for its unusual sound, and it stuck. Ok, back to the time system. The time system in Ugaria isn't like, AM or PM, per se. Since every single day of the year is the same amount of day and night in Ugaria, they can use a sun-dependent system. They denote whether it is light or dark out by using + and -. For example: if the sun rose at 6:00 AM, and I got up at 7:30, I wouldn't say I got up at 7:30. I would say that I woke up at +1:30!!! Weird, right? Also, Dimension 751 is exactly 22 years ahead of the real world.

Next topic: Upper Class. The upper class uses a mix of calligraphy and the regular Ugarian script for inflections, etc. (Like Japanese.) Also, most common people DON'T use or even learn calligraphy; it just serves as an elective for school. Lastly, you may wonder how they (the upper class) "read" these characters. They use the Ugarian readings (unlike Japanese, which uses both the native Japanese reading and the original Chinese reading).
That's all for now guys. I'll update the article depending on what u guys put in the comments.
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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 24-Apr-20 19:29 [Deactivated User]
@[Deactivated User] People (Japanese and Europeans) travel reguarly between Real-World Earth (Dimension 1) and Viachland (Dimension 751). Around 4 months ago (New Year's Day, in fact), someone caught a flu-like virus which was unbeknownst to the healthcare professionals, the CORONAVIRUS!!!!!! They had gotten numerous warnings from Dim. 1 about this, but they still didn't think it was Corona (they were really stubborn). It spread faster than a wildfire, but within about two weeks, they got everyone quarantined because they put into effect a law where if a person went outside their property, they would be shot. Ugaria had NEVER experienced this before. Not even in battle. :()
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 24-Apr-20 17:49 [Deactivated User]
@[Deactivated User]
How did coronavirus start there? I'm just curious. :)
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 24-Apr-20 11:58 [Deactivated User]
@AndreReyes I made it myself :)
Also, I do "spend" a lot of my time in Ugaria, just to get away from the real world.
Ugaria still has a few thousand cases of the Corońävérüç /ko̞ɹo̞ɲäviɹʏs/, so ... :(
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 24-Apr-20 08:38 [Deactivated User]
Honestly, this is really interesting! :)
Edit history
on 10/04/20 20:40+207[Deactivated User]Expanded Upper Class section.
on 10/04/20 14:280[Deactivated User]Edited title.
on 10/04/20 14:27+252[Deactivated User]Added info about upper class and calligraphy.
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