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Hedretic Folk Tales
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 18 Apr 2019, 01:33.

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The lands of Calutia, Thumia, and Korihim have their own unique set of folk tales. These tales usually have a dark ending, and some humor thrown in, but the hero of the tale ends up succeeding. They involve either animals or people, although people are more common in the tales. Often times, these tales involve a conflict between the hero and another person or animal, a story in this list even has an animal against a person, though some do involve the hero against themselves or the hero against the environment. Below is a list of some of these tales.

1: The Fish that Swam up the River
Somewhere on the mighty Salkar river, within the plateau, there was a fish. He was known for being brave and daring. As a guppy, his brothers and sisters were amazed as to how he could swim so fast, faster than everyone else. That got him to be one of the only fish that got to full size, as all but some of his brothers and sisters had been eaten by a horrific predator. His only brother and his three sisters were fished then after, so that fish was the only one of his siblings left. Since he did not want to end up in the same way his brother and sisters did, he decided one day that he would swim up the river. He knew he was fast, he knew he could do it, so one morning, he swam up the river. He swam, he swam, and he swam. He did not want to stop. He wanted to find a new home, one without people in it. One without predators that would eat his children. He felt it in his gills. Some time later, he saw an attractive female fish on his way, when the current was still going. He decided that this place would be the best place to stop and settle down. Suddenly, he was caught! Him and the female fish had been caught in a net! He knew this was the end. He was going to die here. He flopped with water still coating his body, he flopped it off, though that didn't seem to distract the net holder. He was then stabbed with a knife, finally ending his life. In his last moments, he realized he did indeed swim up the river, just not away from the fishermen.

2: Cheaters Never Win
A long time ago, in a village in the mountains, there lived two families, and the fathers in them held a grudge, a rivalry against themselves. It is one they had organized themselves, away from their wives. Arugan was one of those fathers. Sumjaronoa was the other. They competed daily for things like food, shelter, and water, but also the feeling of achievement. One day, they decided to race each other to a tree from 800 anaigeye (451.6 feet, 137.6 meters) away. Even though Sumjaronoa was the faster runner, Arugan made it to the tree first, and the former hadn't realized he'd been cheated, for the line they started upon was slanted, making it so Arugan's starting position was ahead of Sumjarona's. The next day, the fathers competed to see who can tame an alpaca first. Typically, it would've been Sumjaronoa to tame the alpaca first, but unbeknownst to him, Arugan had secretly tamed his alpaca during the night, so the next morning it would be easier to "tame" it again. The day after that, they held a contest to see who could kill a yak first. Sumjaronoa is well-known in his village to kill yaks fast, especially with his favorite dagger, which he sharpened frequently. Arugan, not so much. But as they were preparing for their contest, Sumjaronoa had noticed his favorite dagger had been swapped with a dull one, that presumably belonged to Arugan. He then confronted Arugan about this, and how he felt cheated a little bit during the previous contests. He asked for a death match to be held the day after, between himself and Arugan. Arugan accepted. Then, the next day comes. It's the day of the deathmatch. Only one will come out alive. They both had swords of equal sharpness. They fought in an arena-like area, made from a depression within the hills. They charged at each other with their swords drawn. Before he knew it, Sumjaronoa was decapitated. Arugan's sword was longer than his, allowing him to reach further to cut off his head. As he came home, holding his former rival's severed head by the hair, his wife, Kufari, was not happy. She proceeded to stab Arugan with the dagger of Sumjaronoa several times. "Why, Kufari," Arugan wheezed, "why must you kill me like this?" Kufari answered, "Because you had sex with Sumjaronoa's wife! You should've asked him why he had wanted to compete with you! Cheaters never win!" Then after, Kufari dealt one final stab, killing Arugan.

3: Nushumuyofe: The Sunken City
Very many years ago, in what is today the far east of Thumia, was a village. The locals in that village called it Nushalunga, the protecting city. It was the home of many men, women, and children, and they lived some of the best lives they could in their time. The city's walls were impenetrable to foreign invaders; the king would sit atop of them and laugh at the enemy's attempts to break through them. But things would not last for fair Nushalunga.
Nushalunga had been on a very fertile part of the mountains, and at times it would get muddy and loose. Well, Anipaten, a warlord of a nearby village had known this. He talked about this to his chief, but the chief would not listen, saying their walls are just too strong, there is no way they could get in and sack it. Rain had not come in a while, anyway. So he had to wait for a while, until Gangzhua's grace gave his lands rain. This was to be the demise of Nushalunga. That evening, Anipaten climbed to the very area where the soil ends, and jumped on it with all his might, in order to cause a landslide. Now, this was a very big mountain he was on, and thus came a very big landslide. Within minutes. that landslide had engulfed the entire village of Nushalunga. Nobody within the walls of that village was spared. Not even the king. Anipaten was in glee. He had taken down the most indestructible walls with ease. It was not long before he told his chief, and then his entire village started to call that village that was, Nushumuyofe.

4: Anakkeng's Voyage to Kill Death
Here I was. I was a man who had little money and I was off in a remote village in Tarnteas. Life was pretty ordinary in the Mangkke Dynasty, making my living as a cobbler. And death, oh I hated it. I spited it with every bone in my body. It was like, somebody would stop breathing, and a man with red skin would go to take them away and into the fog, never to be seen again. I had this dream to stop people from dying, and to prevent that red-skinned man from taking any more people. I would turn red with rage imagining my loved ones taken away from me by that fiendish bastard. I went to sleep that night, and had a dream so vivid, it inspired me. Though I didn’t remember most of what happened in that dream, I was told something no man could have ever thought of on our world. If death died, who would take him away? As I got out of bed, I really pondered on that thought for a while, coming to the conclusion that I would have to kill death myself to prevent it. Just, I realized that the only way for death to come was if someone were to die. But being an honest man, I would never kill someone just for that man with red skin to come. I could be a bad man to the face of everyone, I could lose my cobbler job, my only source of income, or even worse, lose my life through a painful execution! Thus my only course of method was to simply wait.
“Hetae! Hetae! Our dear mayor Meyecha has just passed away! All come to the square to give him our condolences!” It was the newsboy, waking every soul up with bells and cannons. With the hearing of the mayor’s death, I felt it was indeed time. I quickly got up, got everything on, and scrambled to the mayor’s house, just as that red-skinned man had shown up. As he was nearing the late mayor’s corpse, I was there, waiting for him, with the mayor’s old sword in my grasp, and a grim look on my face. I knew I couldn’t face him unarmed; he carried a long edteran with him at all times. “You’re not coming out of here alive, you red-faced monster,” I hissed. I swiped the late mayor’s sword at his neck, though my attack missed, and he ducked just in time. My wife and young son came to the scene, though after seeing the fight my son fled, terrified, leaving only my wife to look on. In the middle of my brawl with death, my wife shouted “What the damn are you doing, Anakkeng!?” I responded while blocking death’s edteran slashes “I’m doing this so nobody in our village, nobody in Calutia will die!” After my guard fell, I saw the edteran slicing through me, and I knew it was the end. Once the weapon hit my head, I was dead. I could hear my wife crying, and death saying something I couldn’t comprehend, which I assumed was probably “Great, now I can spend less time fetching this body to Gkanas.” My dead blood-covered body warmed up as I said to myself, “Well, at least I tried to kill death. I know it’s possible to do it, too.” And before I knew it, I was being carried away on death’s shoulders, into the fog, never to be seen or heard from again.

5: Tatvori: The Eldest Warrior
Back during the time Korihim was barely one, but several warring nations, several clans fighting to unite the Johguhn Desert, there had lived a dad aged 50. He was called by many to be Tatvori, and he was well known in his lands for being a very excellent warrior in his time. Unfortunately, he had only made daughters with his wife, and those are who he lived with. His life was rather peaceful, not very many people bothered him and those that did were hilariously shamed. But one day, his village had fallen under attack by a northern force. In fact, it had been doing pretty well in getting through his nation's other villages. As the king called a draft, he, knowing he has no son to serve for him, decided to draft himself in. In no way would his lands fall under attack like this. But the king did not accept him for he is too old to fight. So Tatvori had an idea. He would make himself look 30 years younger.
To make himself look younger, Tatvori had to go to the town of Echarin, in a friendly nation to the south of his. There, he saw an even older man than him, next to the smoothest rock he had ever seen. "Pay me 8 Anaige of wool and you can make yourself young again." the old man mumbled. Tatvori thought to himself that if that man owned that rock, he surely would've used it to make himself young again. "But," warned the old man, "You won't last young forever, even if you rub the rock for only our dragon gods know how long." Fortunately, Tatvori had the wool he needed to pay him, and so he did, and rubbed the rock. He had made himself look like a 20-year old again! So he went back to his own town in his own nation, and returned to his king. Without a sweat the king accepted him and sent him to be with the other draftees. It was made very clear that he would fight tonight. He was prepared.
That night, there were indeed the enemy, and they were indeed pillaging his village. It was Tatvori's chance to fight again like he had done so many years ago. So he took his sword out and, enemy after enemy, sliced them nicely and killed them all. That is, until one of the raiders stabbed him through the heart. His youth had worn out, and the stabber quickly realized that he had killed an old man. After that realization, he proceeded to stab himself in the heart, knowing it is a crime to kill the elderly and weak. In his last moments Tatvori realized that maybe he should not have gotten himself drafted.
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