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Otvei - Script
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How Otvei's syllabic alphabet works
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 5 Dec 2016, 05:11.

[Public] ? ?
Otvei's conscript is a featural syllabic alphabet. Each character is divided into three parts: the top section is for an optional onset consonant, the middle is for the vowel, and the bottom section is for an optional coda consonant.

Here is an example word, zoh two.

Example sentence:

' uKri u zoNza u iM ma iR,mehiM suma iR.
Ukriu zonzauim mair, mehim sumair.
Fish are friends, not food.

Note the tiny apostrophe at the beginning of the conscript line. I have to add that because in the font, vowels are zero width, so I need something before them to move the word forward. It's not actually a part of the script.

Bonus Hangul orthography, because why not?

/mɑ nɑ ŋɑ pɑ tɑ kɑ vɑ sɑ zɑ hɑ lɑ ʀɑ/
<마 나 가 파 타 카 바 사 자 하 다 라>

/ɑ ɛ i ɔ u/
<아 애 이 오 우>

[jɑ jɛ jɔ ju wɑ wɛ wi wɔ]
<야 얘 요 유 와 왜 위 워>

웈리우 존자윔 마일, 매힘 수마일.
Ukriu zonzauim mair, mehim sumair.
Fish are friends, not food.
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