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Pkhen [PJE]
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Registered by [Deactivated User] on 22 December 2018
Language type A priori
Species Human/humanoid
About Pkhen

Pkhén 'O̠qahí̠í̠í̠khkhǽcah̠ndhukh!

(Pkhén 'O̠qahí̠̄í̠̄í̠̄khkhǽcah̠ndhukh!)

Pkhén 'O̠-qa-hí̠í̠í̠kh-khǽ-cah̠-ndhukh

pxen ʔɑqahɪ::xxæcaħnðux

pkhen.ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
.ANAnimate (gender/class)
alive, moving
-SGSingular (number)
one countable entity
speak.1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
-TRANSTransitive (valency)
has two arguments
.PASSPassive voice (valency)
be verb-ed
-TRANSTransitive (valency)
has two arguments
.PREPresent-INDIndicative mood (mood)
a common form of realis
-IPFVImperfective (aspect)
'interrupted or incomplete'
.POLPolite (respect/formality)
formal, polite
verbal noun
-PREPresent.INFRInferential (mood/evidential)
reports or infers without confirming

Pkhén is being spoken by me!*

*The action is inferredHence the Inferrential mood, importantHence the Polite formality, and not yet finishedHence the Imperfective aspect

Things Useful to Know:
    • 39 noun cases: ho̠o̠tɔ́ɔ́shí̠' - becoming a dog

    • A ton of moods: hi̠i̠khkhǽghrá'nɛɛkhæhí̠o̠dh - I command it to be possible that I would want to speak
    • A honorific verb system: hi̠i̠kh - to speak; qahi̠i̠kh - to speak to someone of higher rank
    • Three noun genders
    • Two animacy distinctions
    • Two transivity distinctions
    • Distinguishments between a,a:, aʰ and aʰ: (only in older variations)
    • Adjectives declinable as verbs: bōth - poor; bōthkhæ - I am poor
    • Emotion conveyable through verb cases: casiídhý - go; pocasiídhýan - go (annoyed)

  • Useful Notes for Learners*
    *Basically just me
    • H̠ǣgɔ́ is the name for the modern variety of Pkhén
    • Ri̠i̠rýkhǽh̠a-vakhnɛ́gru-zhɛɛh̠o̠o̠svyyqlɛɛglɛ́kkhæ'edhali means "I am crazy"
  • Sample of Pkhen[view] Feégro̠o̠bakho', zhoocɛɛdýádýk.

    If I drink, take me home.
    [view all texts]
    Latest vocabulary
    zhoocɛɛvtake home
    Sound samples in Pkhen
    Some sound samples of Pkhen. Maximum of 6 shown. Click the links to see the full texts.
    Khaácakhí̠kh ropé.
    I take off my clothes in winter.
    Neró̠fakh tuuh̠uu zhóothyý ykɔdhi̠i̠rí̠.
    I’m not afraid of a love parade in my daydream.
    Dhó̠ne ví̠dyý, téɔc siikhí khyy'
    In times of war, law falls silent
    Neyk no̠pef́akhdú'o̠
    I am not shitting on you.
    Caakkhazhybra záidhyý?
    What is the music of life?
    Tɔ́ɔ́shí̠'á grópacesɛýk!
    The dogs attacked me!
    Language family relationships
    Language treeIsolates
     ⤷ Isolate languages
      ⤷  Pkhen
    [view] About IsolatesThis is a family for isolate languages.
    [edit] [view] Læh̠én (Lahen)This dialect ahas no grammatical differences, just that [h] and [h̠] both become [h̠] and ['] becomes silent and instead leaves the prevoius vowel or, if a given word ends in a consonant, affixes on an [a], or an á if the stress is on the previous syllable. This dialect is also called H̠ǣgɔ́.
    [edit] [view] Luu'u (Lwu'u)This dielact is spoken by mostly Ikthiosmysts (a religious group) who moved to Kiiehati from one of the countries of the continent Lwu'u. I have made an article about the pronunciation differentiation and the vocabulary is basically the same, but with some Ulmaak words thrown in whenever the speaker chooses. This happens so much that Luu'u is sometimes considered to be a Pkhen-Ulmaak creole.
    [edit] [view] Pkhén (Old Pkhén)Old Pkhen is identical to modern Pkhén, except that stress is marked:
    Ri̠i̠rkhæ pékhuu, grɛ! > Rī̠ī̠rkhæ pé̄khuu, grɛ!
    Nasal m     n              
    Plosive p b [bʷ]1     t d   c   k g q   ʔ2 ʔʰ3
    Fricative   f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ     x ɣ   ħ4 h5 [ɦ]6
    Approximant       [ɹ]7   [j]8 [w]9        
    Trill ʙ     r         ʀ    
    Blends [bɹ]10 [bw]11
    1. allophone of /ʙ/
    2. does not exist in Læh̠én
    3. only occurs word-final in some dialects
    4. merged with /h/ in Læh̠én
    5. does not exist in Læh̠én
    6. allophone of /h/
    7. occurs in longer words, allophone of /r/
    8. very rare, allophone of /i/
    9. very rare, allophone of /u/
    10. allophone of /ʙ/
    11. very rare, allophone of /ʙ/
    Close i i: iʰ1 y y: yʰ2   [u]3 u: uʰ4
    Near-close   [ɪ]5 ɪ: ɪʰ6  
    Close-mid [e]7 e: eʰ8   [o]9 o: oʰ10
    Open-mid [ɛ]11 ɛ: ɛʰ12   ɔ ɔ: ɔʰ13
    Near-open [æ]14 æ: æʰ15    
    Open a a: aʰ16   [ɑ]17 ɑ: ɑʰ18
    1. pronounced as [i] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    2. pronounced as [y] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    3. allophone of /u/
    4. pronounced as [u] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    5. allophone of /ɪ/
    6. pronounced as [i̠] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    7. allophone of /e/
    8. pronounced as [e] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    9. allophone of /o/
    10. pronounced as [o] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    11. allophone of /ɛ/
    12. pronounced as [ɛ] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    13. pronounced as [ɔ] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    14. allophone of /æ/
    15. pronounced as [æ] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    16. pronounced as [a] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    17. allophone of /ɑ/
    18. pronounced as [o̠] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    Below is the orthography for Pkhen. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
     PkhenOrthography [edit]
    '/ʔ/1, /ʔʰ/2Aa/a/Áá/aʰ/3, [a]AA aa/a:/Bb/b/BR br/ʙ/, [bʷ], [bɹ], [bw]4Cc/c/Dd/d/DH dh/ð/Éé/eʰ/5, [e]Ee/e/
    EE ee/e:/Ff/f/Gg/g/GH gh/ɣ/GR gr/ʀ/Hh/h/6Hh[ɦ]H̠ h̠/ħ/7Ii/i/Íí/iʰ/8, [i]Ii[j]9
    II ii/i:/I̠ i̠/ɪ/I̠I̠ i̠i̠/ɪ:/Í̠ í̠/ɪʰ/10, [ɪ]Kk/k/KH kh/x/Mm/m/Nn/n/Óó/oʰ/11, [o]Oo/o/OO oo/o:/
    O̠ o̠/ɑ/O̠O̠ o̠o̠/ɑ:/Ó̠ ó̠/ɑʰ/12, [ɑ]Pp/p/Qq/q/Rr/r/Rr[ɹ]13Ss/s/SH sh/ʃ/Tt/t/TH th/θ/
    Úú/uʰ/14, [u]Uu/u/, [w]15UU uu/u:/Vv/v/Yy/y/Ýý/yʰ/16, [y]YY yy/y:/Zz/z/ZH zh/ʒ/Ǽǽ/æʰ/17, [æ]Ææ/æ/
    ÆÆ ææ/æ:/Ɔɔ/ɔ/ƆƆ ɔɔ/ɔ:/Ɔ́ ɔ́/ɔʰ/18, [ɔ]Ɛɛ/ɛ/ƐƐ ɛɛ/ɛ:/Ɛ́ ɛ́/ɛʰ/19, [ɛ]
    ✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change]
    1. does not exist in Læh̠én
    2. only occurs word-final in some dialects
    3. pronounced as [a] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    4. very rare
    5. pronounced as [e] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    6. does not exist in Læh̠én
    7. merged with /h/ in Læh̠én
    8. pronounced as [i] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    9. very rare
    10. pronounced as [i̠] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    11. pronounced as [o] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    12. pronounced as [o̠] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    13. occurs in longer words
    14. pronounced as [u] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    15. very rare
    16. pronounced as [y] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    17. pronounced as [æ] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    18. pronounced as [ɔ] in H̠ǣgɔ́
    19. pronounced as [ɛ] in H̠ǣgɔ́
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    Pkhen Conscript
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    Keyboard-Friendly Pkhen
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    Lessons (2)
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    5Pkhen Lesson V
    Typological information for Pkhen

    Copula droppingPresent tense only
    Base counting systemDecimal (10)
    Definite articleNone
    Fixed stress locationPenultimate

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