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Gender Neutral Language in Latverian
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What about the singular they/thems?
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 1 Feb 2022, 10:29.

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Typically a combination of the indefinite article and the plural declination of a (masculine/masculinized) noun is used.

"(a) lover (who is neither male nor female)" is typically rendered as "neshti amorenur" in the nominative and accusative or "neshti amorenűr" in the dative/genitive.

"My lover" of the above would be "neshti amorenur eí" or "neshti amorenűr eí"

In the vocative it's just "amore" regardless of gender

3rd person plural pronouns for gender neutral 3rd person singular? unsure
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