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Thuun cases
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 10 Nov 2018, 06:56.

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Menu 1. Overview 2. Cases
[edit] [top]Overview

Nouns in  Thuun inflect for a number of cases, many of which can roughly correspond to common adpositions in English. All cases are suffixes and are affected by vowel harmony, so "syksi" + "-as" becomes "syksäs". Thuun is mostly agglutinative, but but case and number are fused. Here's the basic structure:

noun root - derivational suffixes - case/number - possessive - comparative

In the rest of this article are tables showing the forms for Thuun's 30 standard cases, along with examples of some different ways to use them.

Grammatical Cases
CaseSGSingular (number)
one countable entity
PLPlural (number)
more than one/few
Usage examples
NOMNominative (case)
TRANS subject, INTR argument
Øthe owl saw the fish (sg)
the owls saw the fish (sg)
you are frozen
they are reindeer
one woman
ylty juuonne jëlnië
ylty juuolle jëlnië
mun yölkööt
lëllë suoksi
ym muo
ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
it / at / ie / Vtet / iet /
anun / annun / atun / attun
the owl saw the fish (sg)
the owl saw the fish (pl)
I want to eat the cake
ylty juuonne jëlnië
ylty juuonne jëlnänyn
kuulmiem täënëät
PTVPartitive (number)
'some of' or for mass nouns
ia / aa / (VV) / taI want to eat some cake
two women
Tompin likes the purple flower
made of gravel
kuulmiem täënëë
näi muota
Tompin mëämën ysit lalaa
tiëskää maaemen
DATDative (case)
indirect object; recipient, beneficiary, location
etnaannen, ullaI’ll outrun these cats
the cat has some milk
stronger than a bear
jaakim yöt illuannen
illuetna joumuu
mylpys köölëtnä
GENGenitive (case)
anunna / lunthe bottom of the hill
some of the people
a friend’s house
we’re close to the lake
määmyän mämpin
ylynnä juoli
möymän opnan
miënipä jallan
ESSEssive (case)
'as, similar'
ipsiinsi / opsiyou can use the rocks as chairs
when I was a child ...
as tall as me (exactly)
nyyömöit isoanun tumpainsi
tyäpsi min ...
paisi mipsi
SEMSemblative (case)
'like, similar to'
apmiammenthe huskies howl like wolves
taller than me
as tall as me (but not exactly)
jaalammen liëkki jouulielle
paisus mäpmi
paisi mäpmi
BENBenefactive (case)
recipient of benefit
mais / mainilmes / ilmeeMaamis made a house for crows
are your cookies for eating ?
Maamis maanne opit kukkuilmee
kuulalmaiskuulle litmym ?
COMComitative (case)
'together with'
taaalta / altaaI’ll stay with my friends
talk with me
möymältäämim sääpim
laita mimpää
ABEAbessive (case)
ikkiilkeeyou ran without a bagukkoikki jaaitte
INSTRInstrumental (case)
'with' 'using'
/ INSCInstructive (case)
by means of
ot / uotellot / illotI went to my house by hovercraft
Lainu ate with a spoon
sat on by a cat
are you afraid of octopuses ?
opaalkimme noinpëkkyöt
Lainu kuulenne ylpääjöt
ëmpëmën illujot
konellot ööyökyyt ?
TRANSLTranslative (case)
ieksi / eksiiemmat / emmatthey turn into trolls
what is that word in Thuun ?
maalelle moumuemmat
mai yökyyjön moamaa Tuumeksi ?
CAUCausal (case)
'because (of)'
ouksiummatI’m late due to the weatheryytöyksi näälimmyt
REFReferential (case)
about, regarding, on the topic of
ispa / aasiappo / aaspaI’m thinking about food
wait for them
regarding the soups ...
you’re good at skiing
jyyöm kuulispa
juku läppö
tömsöäppö ...
öppälit yynälääsi

Abstract locative cases
CaseSGSingular (number)
one countable entity
PLPlural (number)
more than one/few
Usage examples
LOCLocative (case)
'in, on, at' etc
ale / ilaalleI walk at the lake
I will walk tomorrow
between the rivers
talk to me
jallaila kielim
sualnale kielim
joalun uempale
laita mälë
LATLative (case)
movement, towards
aalka / alkaaansi / ansiI walk to the lake
they called to the people
to the moon
kielim jallaalka
yöttëlmë yläänsi
ABLAblative (case)
away from
inenilenI walk from the lake
since yesterday ...
made of rocks
written by me
Niin is from Uvanga
I’m freezing due to the weather
we start tomorrow
quit raining !
kielim jallainen
taimpainen ...
äiköilën maaemen
minën seilemen
Niin mëiën Umampainen
yyinën yölköm
sualnainen siëmipä
äët innöilën !
PROLProlative (case)
by way of, through
isenikun / ikuonI walk by the lake
I walk past the lake
I’ll wait while you ski
jallaisen kielim
kielim jallaisen
yynäläisënmym jukum

Internal locative cases
CaseSGSingular (number)
one countable entity
PLPlural (number)
more than one/few
Usage examples
INEInessive (case)
asilles / iesI swim in the lake
I will walk (sometime during) tomorrow
Muttali lives in Juhashka
between my teeth
you’re always on my mind
you’re good at skiing
can they speak Thuun ?
jallas jööllim
sualnas kielim
Juaskas Muttali kalien
jillänmim uempies
naasalit sylläsmim
öppälit yynäläs
siitmöikyyllë Tuumas ?
ILLIllative (case)
assiiessiI jump into the lakeyipänim jallassi
ELAElative (case)
'out of, from'
inemilemI jump out of the lake
we’re outside of the house
yipänim jallainem
opainem mëpi
PERPerlative (case)
'through, along'
isemikum / ikuomI swim through the lake
I’ll wait (sometime) while you ski
jööllim jallaisem
yynäläisëmmym jukum

External locative cases (top)
CaseSGSingular (number)
one countable entity
PLPlural (number)
more than one/few
Usage examples
SUPESuperessive (case)
'on top of'
ittailtaI walk on the hill
they were lying on my legs
they lay on my legs
I have a coat on
määmyittä kielim
iyppäiltiim yyllëlmë
yyllëlmë iyppäiltiim
mittä syksön
ALLAllative (case)
'to, onto'
ittasiltasI walk onto the hill
I’ll walk sometime between now and tomorrow
by when will it be done ?
kielim määmyittäs
sualnaittas kielim
oikittas tyylëmkyyn ?
DELDelative (case)
'off of'
inetiletI walked off the hill
I took off my clothes
kielim määmyinët
tyylimmë opmeemim minët
PROSProsecutive (case)
'across, along'
isetinsetI swim across the lake
There’s a bear across the river
jööllim jallaiset
joaset köölötäin

External locative cases (side)
CaseSGSingular (number)
one countable entity
PLPlural (number)
more than one/few
Usage examples
OPPOppositive (case)
contrariety, opposite, against
ilna / itnaipan / ileenI bumped into a tree
I walk beside the lake
you’re leaning on me
pëyppimmë mienilna
jallailna kielim täämää
milnä sööt
TERMTerminative (case)
'up to [this point]'
/ USQLUsquelative (case)
'until', 'up to'
ilnas / ulaaipaas / lealaI walk as far as the lake (up to the lake)
I walk until tomorrow
kielim jallailnas
kielim sualnailnas
EGREEgressive (case)
'(starting) from'
imetilmetI walk away from the tree (starting from the tree)
I will walk starting tomorrow
since when was it done ?
kielim mienimet
kielim sualnaimet
mäinnäimët tyylëmkyynnë ?
VIAVialis (case)
route, manner [along]
imes / umaiku / ikuoI walk along the lake
follow (the path of) the rivers
blood ran down my leg
kielim jallaimes
mylmy joaku
jella tominne iyppäymmim

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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 02-Sep-16 22:18 [Deactivated User]
@[Deactivated User] Yes it is, thank you! (Although I'll be giving the whole case system a makeover soon and I'm not sure if I'm even going to keep that case)
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 02-Sep-16 21:01 [Deactivated User]
@[Deactivated User], Would "sela" and "sealma" be the apudessive case (APUD on CWS)? Or is it something different?
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