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Environment of Tahica
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 8 May 2023, 18:58.

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Tañopil umo jam qañẽmi ji tulñaom tan su'uñi tahici om tañukil Jantankuñe.
(Jantanku is a city located on top of a large series of plateaus within a sprawling mountain range.)
e'e jahi juhilao un nisẽlao fu tahici.
(Upon this mountain range are many beautiful flora and fauna.)

The avamantu is a small berry bush that produces beautiful pink and white flowers in the spring and little golden berries in the summer. They are the primary food source of the qancik, a mountain dormice who live in tiny indents in the rock walls where they stockpile berries and hibernate during winter. The qancik alongside various saltwater fish traded from the cliff face villages are considered lunch-time meals by the Tahicasians.
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