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The Katt dynasty
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The Katt dynasty

The Katt dynasty is the third and current ruling dynasty of the Kingdom of Gainxyx and successor to the Mehlan dynasty (417 AU - 721 AU), the latter being the successor to the Buhjn dynasty. Areh I Kattjanxsyf "the New", the first king, took over the power after overthrowing King Junnar II Mehlanjanxsyf in a rebellion against his family's authoritarian regime started in an eastern village, Katt, from the year 719 AU until 721 AU. Katt became the capital city of the kingdom until 740 AU, when it was moved to Juriddy.

1. History
In 700 AU ("after unification"), Areh was born. Led by him, the rebellion broke out and the Katt regime started. In 722, one year later, King Erol III Kattjanxsyf, his first child, was born; in 724, Queen Mikh I Kattjanxsyf "the Usurper" was born; and in 727, Prince Kall Kattjanxsyf, his third and last child, was born. When Areh I died in 751, Erol III ruled until 756 when both him and the Queen consort Nerhovy I were murdered by his sister Mikh I, who fell in love with the last Mehlan king's grand-daughter, Queen consort Pjenh I Mehlanjanxsyf and Kattjanxsyf "the Mehlan" , and reestablished an authoritarian regime. When Pjenh I died in 773, King Erol IV "the Regainer", the only child of King Erol III and Nerhovy I, ruled with Queen consort Sesrhe I from 775 until his death. During the reign of Mikh I, her brother's family were exiled in the Mehlan islands.
Onward, all successions (Queen Xexk II and King consort Kunahdha III) were naturals until King Khahjor I Kattjanxsyf "the Good", Erol IV's grand-son, who died in 876 and his reign passed to his son King Junnar I Kattjanxsyf "the Warrior". During the Raid War, the reign passed provisionally to his adopted sister, Queen in War Nhine I Kattjanxsyf "the Orphan General", former army general and adopted by King Khahjor I and Queen consort Mikh II after being abandoned by her parents in the Southern Range. Later, in 879, with Junnar III being killed in action, King Counsellor, Modakh, son of Prince Addrheghe and Princess Consort Tuhn grandson of Erol IV and cousin of Khahjor I, offered Nhine I the choice of continuing with the Katt dynasty or creating her own, she decided to continue the dynasty of the people that gave her a family to live with, though.

2. List of rulers
Other titles
Period of reign
Years of reign
King/Queen consort
Areh I "the New"Leader of the Katt Rebellion (719 - 721)721 - 75130 yearsBassa ICrown prince: Erol
Princess: Mikh
Prince: Kall
Erol IIICrown prince (722 - 751)
General (742 - 751)
751 - 7565 yearsNerhovy ICrown prince: Erol
Mikh I "the Usurper"Princess (724 - 756)756 - 77519 yearsPjenh I "the Mehlan"---
Erol IV "the Regainer"Crown prince (745 - 756)
Prince of the Mehlan Islands (756 - 775)
775 - 81843 yearsSesrhe ICrown princess: Xexk
Prince: Addrheghe
Xexk ICrown princess (770 - 818)
General (790 - 818)
818 - 83517 yearsKunadha IIICrown prince: Khahjor
Khahjor I "the Good"Son of the crown princess (799 - 818)
Crown prince (818 - 835)
835 - 87641 yearsMikh IICrown princess (deceased): Noedhe
Prince (later Crown Prince): Junnar
Princess (adopted): Nhine
Junnar III "the Warrior"Prince (836 - 843)
Crown prince (843 - 876)
Soldier (856)
876 - 8793 years --- ---
Nhine I "the Orphan General"Princess (849 - 879)
General (869 - ...)
Crown princess (879)
879 - ... --- --- ...


Ox Kattjanxsyf

Ox Kattjanxsyf il ov ox jimasplehl janxsyf khi janxsyf yxsyfek nexarembatohfanx diuy Gainxyx khi ox xahnomek diuy ox Mehlanjanxsyf (417 X'Y' - 721 X'Y'), mihn ox tahlehl il ov ox xahnomek diuy ox Buhjnjanxsyf. Ox ihnlehl Ilai sa Areh Kattjanxsyf "ox Novar", ox ihnlehl yxsyf, khat frund ox vahlu ov xahn olrhpedhtatyxsyf ox tahlehl Ilai sa Junnar Mehlanjanxsyf ov ne us ghyiritti iknnaent ox ymfayxsyf ekkepahyxsyf diuy xenanx jan tsy sar ov ne us grijatitti gainx, Katt, xynny ox tatsi 719 da 721. Katt khat iltat ov ox saggrijat da 140, okue daikh khat il ov tsy ia ov a Juriddy.

1. Kohntpas
Ne 700 X'Y' (xahn ypna), ox ihnlehl Ilai sa Areh Kattjanxsyf khat sar ox ugh ov. Ox ghyiritti khat sar ov tsy fyrtjar ov tsypah xen khi ux ymfayxsyf diuy ox Kattjanxsyf khat sar ov. Ne 722 xahn ihn tatsi, ox jimasplehl Ilai sa Erol Kattjanxsyf, xenanx ihnlehl tsysarh, khat sar ox ugh ov; ne 724 ox ihnlehl Tuhna sa Mikh Kattjanxsyf "ox Frundkhurhek" sar ox ugh ov; khi ne 727 Xarhtyxsyf sa Kall Kattjanxsyf sar ox ugh ov. Ne 751 okue ox ihnlehl Ilai sa Areh Kattjanxsyf khat mor ov, ox jimasplehl Ilai sa Erol yxsyf da 756 okue xen khi ox ihnlehl Tuhnat sa Nerhovy khat il ov tsy fyr ox mor ov tsypah xenanx nhebats ox ihnlehl Tuhna sa Mikh Kattjanxsyf, okhke khat il ov il luhd ov iknna ux lenai diuy ilai kilaxbyhranx Mehlanjanxsyf, ox ihnlehl Tuhnat sa Pjenh Mehlanjanxsyf khi Kattjanxsyf "ox Mehlanjanxsyf", khi kunalrh us ymfayxsyf ekkepahyxsyf ov. Ne 773 okue ox ihnlehl Tuhnat sa Pjenh Mehlanjanxsyf khi Kattjanxsyf khat mor ov, ox kdatrhlehl Ilai sa Erol Kattjanxsyf "ox Dagalrhek", ox tsysarh pox diuy ox jimasplehl Ilai sa Erol Kattjanxsyf khi ox ihnlehl Tuhnat sa Nerhovy Kattjanxsyf, khat yxsyf ov iknna ox ihnlehl Tuhnat sa Sesrhe Kattjanxsyf xynny 775 da xenanx mor. Netat ox tatyxsyf diuy ox ihnlehl Tuhna sa Mikh Kattjanxsyf ux jan diuy xen nheujo khat il ov tsy sift ov ne Rhiai diuy Mehlan.
Xynnytat ekke xahnom (ox tahlehl Tuhna sa Xexk Kattjanxsyf khi ox jimsaplehl Ilait sa Kunahdha Kattjanxsyf) khat il ov ymfaughanx da ox ihnlehl Ilai sa Khahjor Kattjanxsyf "ux Medy" (ox krijiai diuy ox kdatrhlehl Ilai sa Erol Kattjanxsyf) okhke ne 876 khat mor ov khi xenanx tatyxsyf khat il ov tsy txarh a xenanx xarh ox jimasplehl Ilai sa Junnar Kattjanxsyf "ox Ghyirek" ov. Netat ox Ghyir diuy Akhghy pahtatittiymfa ox tatyxsyf khat il ov tsy txarh a xenanx nhebats kjorjananx ov, Tuhnaneghyir sa Nhine "ox Tuhnaghyirek janent", diretuhnaghyirek diuy ghyirekir khi kjorjananx tsypah ox ihnlehl Ilai sa Khahjor Kattjanxsyf khi ox tahlehl Tuhnat sa Mikh Kattjanxsyf xahn il ov tsy fuor ov tsypah xenanx somar ne ox Tsarhamoi diuy Ughark. Xahn ne 879, iknna mor diuy ox jimasplehl Ilai sa Junnar Kattjanxsyf ne ghyir, Kuxaek diuy ox Yxsyf sa Modakh Kattjanxsyf, xarh diuy Xarhtyxsyf sa Addreghe Kattjanxsyf khi Arar diuy Xarhtyxsyf sa Tuhn Kattjanxsyf, krijiai diuy ox kdatrhlehl Ilai sa Erol Kattjanxsyf khi kritt diuy ox ihnlehl Ilai sa Khahjor Kattjanxsyf, khat dhar ox arti diuy tjar ov iknna ox Kattjanxsyf urhur no xenanx janxsyf ov a ox ihnlehl Tuhna sa Nhine Kattjanxsyf "ox Tuhnaghyirek janent" ov, ro xen khat sid ov de tjar ov iknna ox janxsyf diuy ox baxpob oke khat txarh us jan iknna okhke ugh ov a xen ov.

2. Uhiu diuy yxsyfi
Alrh syfyhili
Tat diuy tatyxsyf
Tatsir diuy tatyxsyf
Ihnlehl Ilai Areh Kattjanxsyf "ox Novar"Fyrtjarek diuy ox katneghfe Katt (719 - 721)721 - 75130 tatsirIhnlehl Tuhnat Bassa KattjanxsyfXarhyxsyf: Xarhyxsyf Erol Kattjanxsyf
Minnytyxsyf (xahnymfa Minnyhxsyf): Minnytyxsyf Mikh Kattjanxsyf
Xahrtyxsyf: Xarhtyxsyf Kall Kattjanxsyf
Jimasplehl Ilai Erol KattjanxsyfXarhyxsyf (745 - 751)
Ilaighyirek (742 - 752
751 - 7565 tatsirIhnlehl Tuhnat Nerhovy KattjanxsyfXarhyxsyf: Xarhyxsyf Erol Kattjanxsyf
Ihnlehl Tuhna Mikh Kattjanxsyf "ox Frundkhurhek"Minnytyxsyf (724 - 756)756 - 77519 tatsirIhnlehl Tuhnat Pjenh Mehlanjanxsyf khi Kattjanxsyf "ox Mehlanjanxsyf"
Kdatrhlehl Ilai Erol Kattjanxsyf "ox Dagalrhek"Xarhyxsyf (745 - 756)
Xarhtyxsyf diuy ox Rhiai Mehlan (756 - 775)
775 - 81843 tatsirIhnlehl Tuhnat Sesrhe Kattjanxsyf
Ihnlehl Tuhna Xexk KattjanxsyfMinnyhxsyf (770 - 818)
Tuhnaghyirek (790 - 818)
818 - 83517 tatsirJimasplehl Ilait Kunadha Kattjanxsyf
Ihnlehl Ilai Khahjor Kattjanxsyf "ox Medy"Xarh diuy ox Minnyhxsyf (799 - 818)
Xarhyxsyf (818 - 835)
835 - 87641 tatsirTahlehl Tuhnat Mikh Kattjanxsyf
Jimasplehl Ilai Junnar Kattjanxsyf "ox Ghyirek"Xarhtyxsyf (836 - 843)
Xarhyxsyf (843 - 876)
Ghyirek (856)
876 - 8793 tatsir ---
Ihnlehl Tuhna Nhine Kattjanxsyf "ox Tuhnaghyirek janent"Minnytyxsyf (849 - 879)
Tuhnaghyirek (869 - ...)
Minnyhxsyf (879)
879 - ... --- ---

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