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Krrakc Makc Numbers
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 13 Mar 2023, 00:13.

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Due to an incident known (in English) as "Bachni's brain fart", the original base 24 counting system was replaced by a slightly less convenient base 18 counting system which kept the numeral for 18 instead of simply replacing it with numeral for 1 like the base 24 system used to. This is usually attributed to the Hive Core's laziness, and has led to a considerable amount of confusion during attempts at human-sponge diplomacy.

For example, 18 is just ῑ, while 35 is ῑζ̚; (18|17). Meanwhile 36, which is basewise the equivalent of 20, is a confounding ῑ-ϚʼΘ; (18*2|0). 55, which would otherwise be γα; (31) on the other hand is ῑ-γʼα; (18*3|1).

It's like if you took French verbal counting and put it in a Greek numeral contaminated sink disposal grinder with Roman numerals before sucking it out with a vacuum and sprinkling some Arabic counting logic on top. It ain't pretty, to say the least.
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