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Numbers in Nepir
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How to say numbers in nepir
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 15 Mar 2018, 07:42.

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Firstly the numbers are:

0 (zero) = döt [dət]
1 (one) = pwat [pwat]
2 (two) = cul [t͡sʊl]
3 (three) = net [nɛt]
4 (four) = höv [həŋ]
5 (five) = bai [bai]
6 (six) = tek [tɛk]
7 (seven) = betc [bɛt͡s]
8 (eight) = rä [ɾe̞]
9 (nine) = kip [kip]
10 (ten) = nök [nək]
100 (hundred) = dwi [dwi]
1000 (thousand) = erai [ɛɾai]
1000000 (million) = xek [ʃɛk]

Nefirian uses a base ten counting system which forms the basis of saying numbers in nefirian, but differs from use in English in some aspects.

Single digit numbers are direct as listed above.

Double digit numbersare different
1. To make a number that is 10 + a single units, the single digit is said first and then 10
E.g. 11 is said as pwat'nök; 14 is said as höv'nök

2. To make a number that is a multiple of 10 that is more than 19 but less than 100, a zero must be used
E.g. 20 is said as chul'döt'nök; 50 is said as bai'döt'nök

3. To make a number that has units of ten + a single units, both single numbers are said first and then 10
E.g. 36 would be said as net'tek'nök; 77 would be said as betc'betc'nök

Triple digit numbers and higher are a bit more complicated

4. To make a number that has only hundreds OR thousands OR millions units, only the number of units and the thousand or million word needs to be used
E.g. 200 would be said as cul'dwi; 9000 would be said as kip'erai; 8000000 would be said as rä'xek

5. To make a number that has hundreds units AND tens units, combine the rules for hundreds only and multiples of ten as is demonstrated in the example
E.g. 340 would be said as net'höv'döt'dwi
BUT when the hundreds unit is 1 then no number is said first as the 'dwi'said at the end implies that is was 100 + tens units
E.g. 150 would be said as bai'döt'dwi

6. To make a number that has hundreds units AND tens units AND a single units replace 0 from the previous rule with the single digit number
E.g. 356 would be said as net'bai'tek'dwi
BUT when the hundreds unit is 1 then no number is said first as the 'dwi'said at the end implies that is was 100 + tens units + singles units
E.g. 146 would be said as höv'tek'dwi

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