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Lesson #2
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Grammar and The no vowel rule
This public article was written by [Deactivated User] on 1 Jan 2020, 16:18.

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Pronouns are pretty simple, they go after the verb or after the object if the thing your asking is a question.
The First person Pronound "I" is split up into 2 A Femanine 1FE and a Masculine 1M. to get a genderless
1 , you just add the two pronouns together with a in the middle. Example: I liked it." - დრეხვასქეგ აქ ა ქა; დორმო ა დარმა. That ; is used because we used a neutral and a "and" before it. However, if we said "I(Male) liked it": - " დრეხვასქეგ აქ დორმო ა დარმა".


Verbs in Qeinish are not officially grammatical. instead you have words you add onto a base word to modify its meaning. Example, "like" - "ვასქეგ", "liked" - "დრეხვასქეგ".


Adjectives arnt that different from verbs. The only defining feature is that they go after the noun they modify, the same applies to adverbs.

No Vowel Rule

The no vowel rule was inspired by welsh and its a'r. Example, "siop a yr ysgol" isnt possiable, only "Siop a'r ysgol.". This means that a simple phrase like "I speak Qeinish" is "მაჟე ქ დარსონუქ!". you can tell the gender of it by looking at where the nearest vowel is. if we look, its at "მაჟე ქ" so its "ak".
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