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Lesson #1 writing
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You want to read, write Ekozio, it's the good lesson.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 29 Apr 2024, 13:34.

[Public] ? ?
Writing :
Ekozio wants to be a beautiful language, and that starts with the writing system. In our alphabet we have 28 letters but if you count the different characters, you'll count 32 different characters. Which are these 4 extra characters ? And why do they exist ?

a and A:

a: you'll use it at the start of a word ; at the end when there is a M ; with the s and the z when you have r, e, q, g, y before the a
eg : ras / raz

A : the other cases lol ! To be serious, for the middle of the word and the end. Moreover, m and N must the a to be A

l and =:

l: It's for letters on and above the baseline before the l : r, t, u, i, o, p, q, d, g, k, m, b

=: It's for letters on and under the baseline before the = : z, s, f, h, %, &, j, w, n, x, c, v

tips : If you have double l / = use the same letter !
eg : &==A / ollA

m, N and M:

The easiest for the end : m start of the word ; N middle word ; M end of the word
eg : mA / iNNA / aM

So now you understand why these extra characters exist, it's just for aesthetic reasons and they don't change the pronouncation ; they are from handwriting Ekozio. However, because we're on Internet, that's no matter if you don't respect these rules ; but if you don't do that, it's less aesthic and less formal. You can don't use ithem for a SMS, but for a professionnal mail you should to respect these rules

Reminder to use these specific characters :
A = A
= = =
N = N
M = M

NB :
I try to make the language as easy to use as possible with a keybord. So, it's the reason why I've chosen the characters for the letters, sorry if it's kinda of strange. In grammar tables and dictionnary, you'll see the words wrote with the keybord, so just copy it as they are writing to obtain the good way of writing in Ekozian.
eg : bAlaM = bAlaM
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