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System responsibility and punishment of individual crime
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Discussion of how crime committed by a single headmate in a system is treated.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 6 Apr 2023, 15:25.

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The Niflikin people have a strong connection to their multiple souls, and law has ways to take account of it. Through spiritual means, when a single headmate has committed a crime, they can remove that headmate from their previous body and into that of an animal. Animals are generally easier to contain and punish, but this depends on its own biology. It's common practice to only keep docile animals for this purpose.

It's generally accepted that all souls operate based on how their biology is. If one is prone to depression, the headmate will often reflect this somehow, just as they are still physically sick if the body is sick. That said, if a criminal is placed into a docile animal's body, they should also be relatively docile. They should also be of a simpler mind, and hopefully not think of doing criminal acts anymore even after they get let out of their "jail." In some cases the headmate internally retains the form of the animal they were imprisoned in after they are returned to their original body, which usually doesn't cause a problem for the rest of their system apart from some possibly odd behaviors.

There's rumors that those with more than two headmates are unruly, due to the larger amount of people. This has lead to some discrimination, and results in many to hide their multiplicity somewhat, masking as only two. Similarly, being only one leads to discrimination based on assumptions that you are an accomplice to a criminal, even if the person in question may have been born alone.
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