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Nichana Grammar
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A short overview of basic Nichana grammarological functions.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 13 Apr 2016, 07:37.

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Menu 1. Verb Rankings - Use the Force! 2. Noun Rankings 3. Word Order 4. Adjectives and Adverbs
TODO: make neat tables. I'm an idiot for doing this the wrong way around... :/

also nothing here is set in stone - I'm still weighing options


Nichana is a language that uses varying degrees of "force" as the primary verbal deixis. Additionally, most word order is decided by different levels of "rank".

[edit] [top]Verb Rankings - Use the Force!

All in all, it's important to note this list consequently uses the words "Order", "Force", and "Suggestion". Order is for actions that are deemed "unavoidable", even if they technically don't have to be. Force is for actions that are told to the subject to do, and Suggestion is for actions that occur without a definitive, spoken or implied, reason. Verbs always end in a plosive or j, followed by any vowel. This combination is determined by the level of "Force".

#Name (English)Name (Nichana)UseExample in ENAppendage
1Natural OrderBrought upon the subject by the laws of physics, as well as completely evidential phrases.The stone falls-pu
2Absolute OrderBrought upon the animate subject by its owner, or the gods.The slave works-ká
3Personal OrderBrought upon the inanimate subject by a person.The wheel spins-ddae
4Royal OrderBrought upon the subject by the ruler of his land, or the law.The king commands the serves to pay their tax.-yu
5Ruling ForceBrought upon the subject by a superior.Mom tells me to clean my room.-yá
6Personal OrderBrought upon the subject by themselves, with a forcing command behind it.I have to pick up my aunt at the airport.-de
7Equal ForceBrought upon the subject by an equal.My friend wants me to turn left.-ttoe
8Lesser ForceBrought upon the subject by an inferior, or an animal.The serfs make me go crazy.-gue
9Abilizing SuggestionBrought upon the subject as a suggestion of a possible action to undertake.I could make breakfast.-kae
10Habitual SuggestionBrought upon the subject by habit, or as something that occurs because the subject is feeling like it.I like pineapples.-tue
11Personal SuggestionBrought upon the subject as a suggestion to themselves.I really should make a breakfast with pineapples.-bá
12Occuring SuggestionBrought upon the subject as a 'random', or something that is not completely evidential.The oven turned on by itself. / He appears to enjoy suffocation.-tteh

[edit] [top]Noun Rankings

Simile to the Verb Rankings, the Noun rankings are also of a certain importance. These however do not always end in a definite combination depending on what rank they are (although it is possible), but end in a certain consonant depending on what role in the sentence the noun takes, independent of ranking. In this table, "forces" is to indicate a "spirit", or a sentient being. "Location" is to indicate... a location. Not entirely sure what you were expecting there. "Objects" are nor places nor sentient beings.

1. Natural Forces - Powers of nature, for example the weather, or "the forest's spirit".
2. Divine Forces - Gods.
3. Absolute Forces - Owners of the subject, for example a slavedriver, or the owner of a pet.
4. Royal Forces - The ruler or the owner of the land on which the subject lives, for example the king, or the baron. Also used for a location associated with these, such as a manor.
5. Personal Forces - The speaker, or 1SFirst person singular (person)
speaker, signer, etc.; I
, whichever you prefer. Also applies to personal names.
6. Natural Locations - Places that would have existed without mankind's interference.
7. Human Forces - Humans of equal rank in society to the speaker, other than the speaker himself.
8. Animal Forces - Animals, mostly those animals larger than a rabbit.
9. Minor Animal Forces - Animals smaller than a rabbit, primarily small birds.
10. Inferior Forces - Humans of lower rank than the speaker, as well as bugs.
11. Inferior Natural Forces - Plants. Trees fall under rank 6, 12 or 15, depending on their state.
12. Exterior Human Locations - Locations created by man that do not provide shelter from rain. (Literal definition of the class)
13. Instrumental Objects - Objects that are required for an action, but are not the primary focus of the action. For example, a whisk while cooking, or a pick axe while mining.
14. Applying Objects - Objects that are used by an action, and are consumed, or are the primary focus of the action. For example, an ingredient, or a stone while mining.
15. Interior Human Locations - All locations created by human kind that provide shelter against the rain.
16. Additional Objects - All tangible matter not noted in the above classes.
17. Interior Emotions - All emotions that are felt by the speaker.
18. Exterior Emotions - Emotions felt by another being.
19. Concepts - All other intangibles.

[edit] [top]Word Order

When creating a Nichana sentence, one firstly takes the verbs and non-dependant nouns one wants to use. They are then ordered as follows:

Nouns levels 1 & 2
Verbs levels 1 - 4
Nouns levels 3 - 6
Verbs level 5
Nouns levels 7 & 8
Verbs levels 6 - 8
Nouns levels 9 - 12
Verbs levels 9 - 11
Nouns levels 13 - 16
Verbs level 12
Nouns levels 17 - 19

Only after this, additional clauses are added. When adding dependant nouns (primarily genitive) level of order applies: if the dependant noun is of a higher level than its host, it comes before it. Otherwise, behind it.

[edit] [top]Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives come after their noun. There is no distinct method in which they function, except that adjectives are out after their noun, ad do not decline. Adverbs function much the same, although they always end in "lh". See the separate page for adjectives for the transformation from adjective to adverb.
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