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Ai Akapehe
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Ai's Story
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 27 Feb 2015, 21:34.

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Menu 1. Mura Ecite, Naha Mihite - Day 1, Returning Month 2. 3. Mura Ecite, Ccupu Mihite - Day 4, Returning Month 4. 5. Mura Ecite, Mane Mihite - Day 8, Returning Month 6. 7. Mura Ecite, Mane Naha Mihite - Day 9, Returning Month 8. 9. Mura Ecite, Mane Waho Mihite - Day 14, Returning Month 10. <nomenu>
[edit] [top]Mura Ecite, Naha Mihite - Day 1, Returning Month

Nu nore! Ewek Ayraruko Ai An ssouypu mu. Ew Ai nikako kuy puwa. Ewho An ssomu. Ewho An ikccu, ssoteca cciso kuy ssoroum ciyeceu. Ewho yara ikccu, ssohopop ayrasura. Ewho ssosepaw setew Ayrasura An ssouypu ssemimu. Kuy, ssoo nike hapehe ay kuy ssoo nike wepiraha ay kuy mokre seo ay. Ewho nike mosuhu ay enap, ssoyoruw mosuhu pata kuy, ssoracco mosuhu moyi. Tomho awke nore. Enap, ssocassa nore. Ewho ssoo nike ayrasura kuy sakik hopopehe ay kuy, naha pawirpehe ay kuy naha kapehe ay kuy ssoyapap reyke esso. Ewho nike wekssapehe seo ay enap, siunore.

Ewho ssopahi man huyop wanme ssomohu kuy. Ewho ruwi ay. Ewek Ecip moyi huyop uypuhu mu. Nuho Ecip hapehe wepir man sepaw kuy mayak kuy wanpe ayraomtan. Ewek Cerup Surap man huser hissi uypuhu mu. Ewho wanpe ayraccipu ikccu, wanpe nora. Ewho Ayraruko Pahi ramta esso awke ssoramta. Ewram Cerup pahi ieka ikccu, ramta heho. Ewho Yapa Pahi Surap ie kuy Mawi Nakur Ecip ie kuy. Tomho ssoseo huyop ssossemiie enap, wanetew awke ssopacaie esso. Ewho yupi setewuhu naha o pacaha ssosemiie.

Nuho ewan ciare su mihip woku o ssohuyotohu. Ewho Yoroccaru An ewan uypuhu mu kuy ayranore An mu. Nuka huyop setewuhu ciyeyuyccu. Ewho ssopata kuy Yoroccaru siunoya enap, Yoroccaru atuypu rama kuy. Nuho ayra kuy nore uypu mu taw. Ewram Yoroccaru naha o paca ruwi ecitehe yocci ie ikccu, atuypu rama. Tomho naha o paca ssossemiie kuy ssonan ssemimu kuy Ayrasura ssouypu ssemimu. Nu Ecip cian su sepaw setew Ecip uypuhu neype mu?

Hello! My name is Ai Ayraruko. Please call me Ai. I'm an An. Since I'm an An, I'm green in front and brown in back. And since I'm a girl, my eyes are bright red. When I grow up, I want to be called Ayrasura (Bright Red). In addition, I have two arms and two legs, and I also have a tail. I've got two gills, but my left gill is longer than my right gill. It doesn't look very good. My face looks nice, though. I have two bright red and attractive eyes, one nose, and one mouth filled with sharp teeth. I have two ears, too, but they aren't that great.

Today I took care of the infants with my mother. There are three of them. The largest is called Ecip. Ecip's arms and legs are growing in and she's very cute. The other two are called Cerup and Surap. Since they're so young, they look the same. I don't understand how Mother Ayraruko can tell. Probably because she gave birth to Cerup. Mother Yapa gave birth to Surap and Sister Mawi gave birth to Ecip. I also want to have a baby, but I can't lay eggs yet. I want to lay my first egg soon.

In the middle of the day, I snuck over to my friend's house. Her name is Yoroccaru; she's a very good person. I heard that we liked each other when we were both infants. Even though she's only a bit older than me, she's chosen her own name. It's a powerful and good name, isn't it? Since she laid her first egg three months ago, she got to choose. I want to lay my first egg, become an adult, and call myself Ayrasura. When Ecip grows into a child, I wonder what she'll be called?

[edit] [top]Mura Ecite, Ccupu Mihite - Day 4, Returning Month

Nu nore! Ewho maka man ccarup wanme ssoroca kuy. Ewho yupi are su citotu kuy. Ewho aru ikccu, ccupu omssaha ay kuy mihokir ayko naha tamoho ay kuy naha seruhu ay. Ewho wan aru yahi asetko ikccu, mupu ccarupehe upe kuy cimucuwroca kuy. Ewho cikoro nere yahi tameki menkihi ciyupuko kuy yahi su citamri kuy. Ewho An ikccu, yahi ssoapoko esso kuy noreccaru esso. Ewho owu seo ssoapoko enap, huyop yahi kono apoko. Ewho huyop awke necu esso seo. Ewho ssopata kuy Yoroccaru yoroccaru enap, neyha ccarup pata kuy ssoyoroccaru ikccu, ssomucuwroca. Ewho ccarup e mihip woku o nere ciset kuy.

Ewho ciaru su cimura setew hika ciay nuypaysan kuy. Ewram hika cikoro ccarup e wep ssemiie ikccu. Ewho Rekihopo Nakur Mupunim Maka man sure rekite mura ikccu, Rekihopo Mupunim man ssone wep ciiesan ikccu, ssosseminoreie. Ikccu, hika man wep ssossemiie kuy hika kuprey e ssossemikaip kuy. Ewho hika wuccop ie kuy ccarup seom kuy. Ewho ccarup hopop su ssoie kuy wuccop su ssoyupu kuy. Ewho kupre hite, hika numir reyke kuy ssohopo kuy. Ewek ecip ciwe kuy wep muter kuy. Ewho hopop apyu enap, muter kuy.

Ewram nakur maka man mura setew, ciarewan aset. Ewho Yororuko Hika man, Yico Uhu man, Yororuko Ayraruko Pahi man, Yororuko Yapa Pahi man, Yororuko Siuhuyo Maka man, Yororuko Mupunim Maka man, Yapa Mawi Nakur man, Ayraruko Rekihopo Nakur man, Ayraruko Cerup Nakur man, Yapa Surap Nakur man, Yapa Ssone Taut man, Mawi Ecip Reke man ciaru ssoayko. Yuyho ciarewan ay kuy ssossemihopo.

Hello! Today I caught fish with my father (maternal). We went to another region. Since it was a region, it had four walls, a ceiling with a sun, and a floor. Because this region was filled with water, there were lots of fish and we had an easy time catching them. We put our basket on a boulder above the water and jumped into the water. Since I'm a meso, I can breathe underwater and swim well. I can also breathe above water, but infants can only breathe underwater. They can't walk either. Yoroccaru (Fast Swimmer) swims faster than me, but I swim faster than some fish, so they're easy to catch. By noon, we'd filled our basket with fish.

When we returned home grandmother was waiting for us. It's because she wanted to make a meal with our fish. Since Sister Rekihopo and Father Mupunim are returning next week, and we're going to make a big meal for them when they return, I want to make it well. So I wanted to cook with grandmother and learn from her. Grandmother made the broth and pounded the fish. I made the fish into balls and put them into the broth. While it was cooking, grandmother cut the guts up and I watched. When evening came, we ate and they were delicious. They looked a bit strange, but they were delicious.

When my sister and father return, my family will be complete. Grandmother Yororuko, Grandfather Yico, Mother Ayraruko Yororuko, Mother Yapa Yororuko, Father Siuhuyo Yororuko, Father Mupunim Yororuko, Sister Mawi Yapa, Sister Rekihopo Ayraruko, Sister Cerup Ayraruko, Sister Riuppe Yapa, Brother Ssone Yapa, Daughter Ecip Mawi, and I will all be home. I really love my family and I want to see them all.

[edit] [top]Mura Ecite, Mane Mihite - Day 8, Returning Month

Nu nore! Ewho wakume punome man huyko enap, ciime ikccu, ssokaip ikccu, niyaru su awke ssotohu kuy tasu kuy. Rouram ssonim esso kuy ssoracci esso ikccu awke ssooyo esso kuy nore enap, awke ssotohu kuy kaip kuy tasu kuy. Ewram oyoy pata kuy niyiy ssossemikaip. Ewho meso uperu hera mupu nawaha niyi. Ewram yahi nawaha yahi hera kuy niko nawaha menki omssa seo hera. Ewek mupu nawaha ay kuy mupu pehe hera. Ewek nawa meso yupi o ay kuy nawa meso wekssa ikccu, kara ciie kuy nawa kara o ciniyi. Ewho haome seo kara o ciniyi. Ewho mupu nawakaraha niyaru ayko kuy mupu haomekaraha ciaru ayko.

Tomho niyaru ssomura setew car mupu mare tuma o yoi kuy. Tomho nere yahi o ccaruay ikccu. Tomho nere o taokaha ikccu, toukpe woku o ay kuy. Tomho yupima huyonecuay saci, yupima nere kuho kuy totuko. Tomho yupi wopuhu su totu kuy, nere yahi o yupuhu. Tomram toukpe upepu su tohu yeta nore enap, cissi tuma upepu so awke tohu ikccu, upepu su wopupu o ciyupuhu. Ewek oek pe seo upepu car tehi ikccu, oek pe seo upepu su umri yeta nore. Ikccu, ciephehe.

Tomram nere ikccu, hane mihite huyo. Ewho ssiyip ay kuy umu setew, ssossiyi ikccu ciaru su ssomura kuy. Ewho mupu ssociarewanaha ciaru o ssiyup ssiyihiko enap, Nakur Mawihi Nakur Rekihopoho man yuparu o ssiyi. Ewek nakur moye meso ecip cuse ikccu. Ewram ssosepaw setew, yuparu seo ssossi kuy moye meso seo ecip ssocuse. Yuyho Mokreeci Meso omtan ikccu, Ayrakaryo Meso sakik ikccu, ssossi yuparu ssossemicuse. Yuyho Mokreeci wakutew su ruki tuwe o ecip ssocuse enap, yuparu ssossemicuseko.

Hello! Yesterday and today are days of rest, but since I'm a child and since I have things to learn, I had to go to the shrine. Because I can read and write, I think its fine if I can't do math, but I have to go and learn. I'd rather learn about religion than math. We meso worship the many gods who live in the world. The water gods live in the water and the stone gods live in the boulders and walls. There are many gods living in many things. To keep the gods near us and make sure they can hear us, we make dolls and enshrine gods in them. We also enshrine ancestors in dolls. Our shrine has many god dolls and our house has many ancestor dolls.

After I returned from the shrine, many people were standing near the river. It's because there was a basket floating in it. Because of the symbol on the basket, I could tell it had a corpse in it. My neighbors stood around in silence, then carried the basket away. They went to the nearby lake and put the basket in the water there. Corpses should flow down to the sea, but since our river doesn't flow to the sea, we put it in the lake that does flow there. Everything comes from the sea, so everything should return to the sea. That's why we help them.

Because of the basket, the rest of the day was quiet. Once it became evening, I went back home to sleep. Most of my family sleeps on hammocks in the main room , but Sister Mawi and Sister Rekihopo sleep in private rooms. It's because my sisters meet with men at night. When I grow up, I'll have a private room and meet with men at night. Since Mokreeci is cute and Ayrakaryo is attractive, I want to meet with them in my private room. I've already met with Mokreeci in a hidden spot at night, but I want to meet him in my own room.

[edit] [top]Mura Ecite, Mane Naha Mihite - Day 9, Returning Month

Nu nore! Ewho huyop wanme ssorehomohu kuy. Ewho mohuy mucuw kuy, huyop ciaru car ssociamtamriccu kuy, pahi huyop ssemiwe setew ssooku kuy, huyop man ssorayu. Ewram wanpe sepaw setew pahi man nakur man huyop nimiy e racciy e ssomoptuhu. Kuy, ssosepaw setew, huyop ssoweccu esso. Enap, wanme, wanpe man ssorayu kono. Ewho napwe ssiayihi ssokoro ciaru ayko. Ewho ssoayko ssiyaru ay kuy, kupraru ay kuy, ruwi yupare ay. Ewho huyop ccarutohu ikkcu, yahi ssiyaru ayko kuy ssossuat su yahi ay. Ewho mupu ssiyupehe omssa ayko. Ewho kupraru ruya, kupre hua awke hene ikccu. Ewho ruwi yupare ka kuy, naha yupare pe e aset kuy, nakur huser hissi yupare poka. Ewram ssopoka esso ikccu, ssosepaw setew naha yupare ahehosasuccu.

Tomho Yoroccaru ciare ssossemitohu enap, ssokono ssokoro ciaru ssoayko ikccu, awke ssoay kuy tasu kuy. Ewho Yoroccaru ciare ssokoro ciaru kuwkarki ayko kuy, huser ciaru pata kuy kuwkarki ayko. Ewho Yoroccaru ciare kuwkarki omssaha car tuma o ay saci, ssokoro ciaru ay saci, Ayrakaryo ciare ay saci, yahi omssaha ay saci, huser yupan ciare upe. Ewho ccarup ayko wopu su yapehe eceki omssaha ayko kuy, tameki ayko. Ewho Ecimokre ciare ssiyeki omssaha ayko kuy, tewaru su yapehe ayko. Ewho oma are kekaru tewaru man ciip ayko taw. Kuy, tuma tewaru car awke mapye taw. Ewram tewi neyha yahi seo ti ikccu. Ewho oma tewihi ayko wemaru su yapehe miheki omssaha ayko. Ewho tamrip wemaru o ciroca.

Hello! Today I took care of the infants again. Taking care of them is easy, I just keep them from jumping out of the house, call my mother when they get hungry, and play with them. When they grow up, my mothers, sisters, and I will teach them to read and write. And when I grow up, I'll be able to feed them. But, today, I can only play with them. My house has five rooms. It has a main room, which I'm in, a kitchen, and three private rooms. So the infants can swim, the main room is full of water; it goes up to my hips. There are many hammocks along the walls. The kitchen is dry, so the cooking fire doesn't get wet. Of the three private rooms, one room is full of stuff and the other two are used by my sisters. When I grow up, that one room will probably be cleaned up so I can use it.

I wanted to go to Yoroccaru's house, but, since I'm the only one at home, I have to stay. Yoroccaru's house is east of my house; it's east of every other house in the town. From the east wall along the river, there's Yoroccaru's house, my house, Ayrakaryo's house, the waterfall, and everyone else's houses. On the north wall is the door to the lake with the fish in it; it's high up. Near the west wall is Mokreeci's house and the door to the forest. There are a couple of regions between here and the forest, though. Also, the river doesn't leave the forest. I think the trees drink all the water. On the south wall is the door to the plain with few trees. We catch deer there.

[edit] [top]Mura Ecite, Mane Waho Mihite - Day 14, Returning Month

Nu nore! Nuho Rekihopo Mupunim man ciaru su wanme mura kuy! Ewho wanan tuma o temu murako kuy wanan peyi mupup koro kuy temi kuy. Ewho Rekihopo Mupunim man huyko yuca Mawi man wopu su citotu kuy ccarup ssoroca kuy. Ewho ciaru su ssone nere ccarup koroho kuy ciumriko yuca Yapa Siuhuyo man cikop yicu kuy tappe e wep ciiehe kuy. Ewho Yororuko neyhan seo sure kuy ssone wep cikupre kuy. Ewho ccarup hopopehe ssoiehe kuy, Ayraruko wuccop ie kuy, Mawi reyke ccarup iehe kuy, Yapa peotikku kiwu e kuhoho kuy. Ewho neyhap seo wemip o peotpe o ciyupu kuy.

Hello! Today, Rekihopo and Mupunim returned home! They came by boat down the river and brought many interesting things. While they relaxed, Mawi and I went to the river and caught fish. While we returned home carrying the fish in a big basket, Yapa and Siuhuyo opened the pickled foods and made a meal with them. Yororuko lead everyone and we all made a feast. I made fish balls, Ayratuko made soup, Mawi made fish steak, and Yapa prepared clams. We put everything onto plates and bowls.
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[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 14-Feb-15 23:33 [Deactivated User]
neat :)

ah, ok, for some reason i got the impression "meso" was a subset of the species or something. but cool!
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 14-Feb-15 19:00 [Deactivated User]
I'm glad you like it! "Father (maternal)" is basically an uncle. Ai's culture has an unusual family structure where basically no one ever leaves their mother's house. As such, the adult men who do fatherly things are actually Ai's mothers' brothers, instead of her birth father. So I'm translating the two roles as "father (maternal)" and "father (paternal)." As for "meso," that's the name of Ai's species. Technically, larval/infant meso are still meso, though they are in a lower animacy class.
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 14-Feb-15 09:15 [Deactivated User]
this is super cute. can I ask what "father (maternal)" means? and also "meso" (i assume is a post-larval stage or something?)
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