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Realworld placenames in Mhiyamuur
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 19 Feb 2024, 02:19.

[Public] ? ?
This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.
Menu 1. [...] Amerika (North America) 2. [...] Amerika (South America) 3. Juropa (Europe) 4. (Asia)
Real-world places that don't exist in-world but that I might want names for, for various reasons (CWS translations, etc)
Names are generally based on their native language names, one exception is I'd like to translate words like 'new' and 'united' unless even their native language's name uses another language's word for those (i.e. Nova Scotia which is Latin, so it doesn't get translated as if it were "New Scotland", it gets transliterated from the Latin)
Just because it's not here doesn't mean I forgot it, usually that's just me not having added it yet (most instances of this happening) or I want to partially or wholly use Mhiyanmuur words that don't yet exist for the name ("United Kingdom", "Northwest Territories", etc.)
I will only go down to province (or equivalent) level here for the most part. No cities, towns, etc.
Nothing's really sorted atm

[edit] [top][...] Amerika (North America)

Kanadɒ (Canada)
Albɜrta (Alberta)
Kolombijabiritanje (British Columbia)
Juukɒn (Yukon)
Kebek (Quebec)
Manitobɒ (Manitoba)
Nova Sokoxa (Nova Scotia)
Nunavut (Nunavut)
Saskatxewan (Saskatchewan)
Ɒntarijo (Ontario)
[...] xe Laborodor (Newfoundland and Laborador)
[...] Burunseɜk (New Brunswick)
[...] Etwarat(?) [...] (Prince Edward Island)

Usona (The United States of America)
Kalifornja (California)
Mixigan (Michigan)
Mɒntana (Montana)
Mɞjn (Maine)
Ɒregɜn (Oregon)
[...]joɞk(?) (New York)

Mexiko (Mexico)

[edit] [top][...] Amerika (South America)

Barasɜw (Brazil)

[edit] [top]Juropa (Europe)

Biritan (Britain)
Eran (Ireland)
Poloska (Poland)
Rosija (Russia)
Soɞmi (Finland)
Romɜnija (Romania)
ɞkrajna (Ukraine)
Mɒkɒrorsaak (Hungary)

(United Kingdom)
Alba, Sokotlan (?) (Scotland)
Enlan (England)
Kɜmri (Wales)
[...] Eran (Northern Ireland)

[edit] [top](Asia)

Malesija (Malaysia)
Nihon (Japan)
Endonesija (Indonesia)
Pilipinas (Philippines)
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