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What if a language was truly genderless(and had pronoun tenses and other wierd features)
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cool language
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 20 Mar 2023, 16:28.

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This language explores a highly isolated culture that doesnt assign roles based on biological sex. Instead, they do so via "caste"(which is a poor translation, as it is not rigid and people are expected to change castes several times throughout their lives"). The 4 castes are Warrior, scholar, leader and laboror. Pronouns are inflected for these "castes" instead of gender, in addition to a pronoun used for childern and a pronoun used for informal situations. ✎ Edit Article ✖ Delete Article
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on 20/03/23 16:280[Deactivated User]removal of conlanger clan sharing
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