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Orientations and Gender Dynamics
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This was originally as a reply comment, so it's not formalized
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 9 Jun 2019, 21:56.

This article is a work in progress! Check back later in case any changes have occurred.

Generally, if someone propositions you, you'd just say you're not interested in [bearers/females/males], rather than something like "I'm gay". If you are interested in a gender, it's generally either normal and not worth stating, or not something you'd want to share. Azra culture is mostly behind us in terms of LGBT rights and understanding, etc., and has their own stigmas and culture of what's "normal" or at least acceptable.

Also, pretty much everyone's polyamorous, and the line between romantic and close platonic relationships is very blurred. Quasiplatonic/queerplatonic/alterous relationships are normal.
They're matriarchal, a household will usually have one matriarch, about 2 bearer spouses, and several male pledges.

There are three sexes:
Bearers (X): produced asexually by females
Females (XX): produced sexually by females and bearers
Males (XXX): produced sexually by females, bearers, and males

Sometimes there will be aneuploidy, where there are mistakes with genes copying and dividing, so for example two parents might produce an offspring with only one sex chromosome. Since they're matriarchal, if they end up having a bearer this way, instead of the intended female heir, sometimes they'll just raise the bearer as a woman, which usually includes using feminine nouns and acting as the heir and a woman in society, and may include feminine pronouns, body modifications, etc. varying by individual. Because it's something the parents and society decides, rather than the individual informing others, it's more similar to someone intersex being raised as a certain gender regardless of how they identify, than someone being transgender.

dækiɲə - a genetic bearer with two parents raised and living to some degree as a woman.

The older terms (which are still used, and have varying positive and negative connotations) are mostly euphemisms, and specific to the gender/sex of the person they apply to. There's some movement to use more generic terms, that are based on the number of chromosomes of the gender(s) they're attracted to. This is already done in T'eaj (an orally supported signlanguage spoken by males. Azra is spoken in the same area by females and bearers). I've just included it in the picture. The gendered terms that have N/A are considered the most "normal", although that doesn't necessarily mean there's stigma against all of the others. For bearers and males, it's perfectly acceptable to also be attracted to your own sex. The terms are mostly based on the assumption that there's some motivation or ulterior motive behind why they'll engage in relationships or sex with some genders and not others, even if each individual tends to be aware that their (own) attraction isn't something they chose.

term (genders attracted to): English - explanation
Note the explanations are mostly based on stereotypes, and don't define who or what relationships the term applies to, or reflect the orientations accurately.

gjælʌ (none): Nature - lacking the characteristic lust and intimacy of bearers, they're considered like a rock, tree, or other non-animal part of nature
miʃu (B): Supportive - associated with lots of cuddling, considered supportive of their "sisterwives"
zaɪkɔnʌ (F): Infatuated - given the systemic abusive behaviours of females, their exclusive attraction to females is considered irrational, naive, etc.
nzæɾu (M): Cautious - considered wary and playing it safe by only trusting and being intimate with males
sjɑtʌ (BF): - Someone who wants to be protected, someone who'd happily live in a bubble at home with the other bearers and matriarch when she's home.
kæʃɔnʌ (BM): Protective - someone who only develops close relationships with bearers and males, and is considered not to trust females with them.
ŋulæ (BFM): Licentious - a bearer who's lustful or craves intimacy constantly, and will go for whoever's available without prejudice to their sex/gender

tseɪdʌ (none): Independent - A fairly neutral term. Just means they're not attracted to bearers, but females aren't expected to be sexual or develop romantic relationships anyway, so attracted or not, they're only expected to have procreative sex during their bearer(s)' heat
ðɛɾizɑ (F): Guardian - A foreign word from Chajei, where F/F relationships are common, and they're considered responsible for their household/made family's well-being. Doesn't have the same positive connotations in Azra.
kɾɑʒi (M): Predator - Someone who preys on males, controlling them through sex and intimacy in addition to the usual power imbalance.
θæzi (BF): Double-Teamer - Someone who overwhelms through numbers. It's expected the bearer(s) would be overwhelmed by serving multiple matriarchs.
kiɾeɪdɑn (BM): Malzoan - a malzoan is the opposite of a vegan, someone who uses or condones the use of non-human animals as objects and commodities, etc. Here it refers to using living beings (specifically males and bearers) as objects and commodities, things they can use, without consideration or care for their ability to feel or the suffering it inflicts.
dæmɔ (FM): Strange - self-explanatory. They're attracted to every gender *except* what's expected, and most people's reaction is just kind of "what? why?" and generally just don't understand.
mjuŋæ (BFM): Opportunist - Someone who's an indiscriminate manipulator, and/or just loves sex without gender boundaries. The kind of person who'd arrange orgy parties.

ijeɪɾnʌ (none): Loyal - not distracted or having their loyalty to their matriarch divided or swayed by attractions
tsuzʌ (F): Pawn - their attraction makes them ripe to be used by females. In some contexts they may be considered to be inappropriately reaching above their rank, rather than naive and exploitable
ilʌzinʌ (M): Comraderous - like to spend time and develop close relationships with their fellow males
dʒæɲʌ (BF): Dutiful - Attracted to bearers as expected, to fulfill their sexual needs and reproduce, but also has extra attachment to females and will follow them loyally
ilʌdeɪ (BM): Friendly - pretty normal, develops close relationships with bearers and males as expected, and helps meet their needs
tɔkʌ (FM): Divided - someone who's attention is divided, and will often wander between spending time with their fellow male pledges, and their matriarch
lɔdaɪ (BFM): Wanderer - Will go with whoever pleases them at the time
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