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Nedr people
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Explaining Nedr history
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 26 Sep 2022, 16:05.

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The Nedr (Недр) people are a people living in the Nether Village Autonomous Region of Poopistan. The Nedr-inhabited regions of the AR were mostly uninhabited when the Poopistani settlers first arrived. The southern parts of NV were populated by ethnic Smaragdines (see article about Northern Emeraldia). The first Poopistani settlers that lived in NV were soon joined by many settlers from the Caucasus (mainly Georgia and Chechnya). After a few years, they had started to develop their own culture, which would eventually evolve into the Nedr culture and language we have today. This is why NV was made into an autonomous region. After some controversial laws were passed, large parts of NV, including the capital (Sukratva), rebelled and declared independence from Poopistan as the Nedr Repuska (Nedr Republic). This was recognized by countries like the USA, the UK, and France, as their relationship with Poopistan is pretty bad. Poopistan fought numerous wars with the separatists (specifically NLO or the Nedr Liberation Organization, the group responsible for a majority of the separatism and terrorist attacks). The president of Poopistan (me) then built a "secret" house on the border of Useless (the stateless territory north of NV) and NV. A few years later, Poopistan gave the Tomdak people who had lived north of NV a lot of their historical land back (as in they were given autonomous districts not their own country). Since then, NLO has committed many acts of terrorism on Tomdak civilians, as well as Poopistani and Swaggian soldiers stationed there. On July 10., 2107, NLO "invaded" Tomdaki as well as other districts, but were defeated by the Xanadu Army. Following this, their party (NLP) was banned and their leader, Ruoa Jezhirdja, was convicted of genocide against Tomdak and Smaragdine civilians as well as several crimes involving children and later executed by firing squad. ✎ Edit Article ✖ Delete Article
[link] [quote] [move] [edit] [del] 26-Sep-22 16:06 [Deactivated User]
some ppl say Nedrs are just dyslexic Poopis who didn't wanna pay taxes anymore but they're obviously just haters
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