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Zlivnyk Grammar: Particles
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Particles play an important role in Zlivnyk, being able to mark mood, tense and many other aspects of a sentence.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 27 Apr 2022, 18:42.

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In Zlivnyk, particles hold up half the world.
Much meaning is not conveyed by inflection but rather by particles, function words that modify the clause they are in, usually the verb phrase.

Tense and Aspect
The generalized concept of "tense" is split into tense and aspect. Aspect is marked on the verb (imperfect, perfect or progressive), while tense is conveyed using one of the temporal particles zrın (distant future), xa (close future), ĵu (present), rrak (past), and the lesser known ĵiji (frequentative),

  1. Бınran płerbjınenen zrın. (The children will be crying in the distant future)
  2. Бınran płerbjınenen xa. (The children will soon be crying)
  3. Бınran płerbjınenen (ĵu). (The children are [currently] crying)
  4. Бınran płerbjınenen rrak. (The children were crying/The children have been crying)
  5. Бınran płerbjınenen ĵiji. (The children always are crying)

Note that the placement of the particle is arbitrary and can vary based on ideolectal or stylistic choice. Additionally, the present particle ĵu is optional.

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