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The origins of names in Tandi-speaking cultures
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 19 Oct 2017, 01:42.

[Public] ? ?
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5. Numerals ? ?
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7. Verbs ? ?
Menu 1. Family Name 2. Matronymic and Patronymic 3. Personal/Given Name 4. Titles 5. Addressing a Person 6. Declining Names  Tandi-speaking  Arrymians are almost universally given three or four names, and may take another name upon marriage.

(Family Name) + Parental Family Name + Matronymic + Patronymic + Personal Name

(Family Name) + Parental Family Name + Patronymic + Matronymic + Personal Name

[edit] [top]Family Name

The first name is a family name. Family names are almost exclusively the names of specific animals, historically as an homage to that animal’s spirit and powers. Typically, as part of the marriage process, the married couple chooses a new family name to share. This shared family name becomes their first name, which is usually simply added to their full name, rather than replacing their parental family names.

Children are given the family name of their parents. If a child is born outside of marriage, parents will usually default to the mother’s family name, or else that of the primary caretaker. If the child’s parents later marry and choose a new family name, the child’s family name will often change to match.

Examples: Inaka (Fox), Sarha (Moose), Kremhu (Deer)

[edit] [top]Matronymic and Patronymic

The second and third names are the person’s mother’s and father’s personal names compounded with the word kora (“child/descendant”). People may be called by either of these names interchangeably, though generally only one in any given circumstance. In their full name, women usually list their matronymic first while men usually list their patronymic first.

If a person does not know the identity of one of their parents, they may not have a name corresponding to that parent. If they do not know the identity of either parent, they will take the name Fyngekora to indicate they are the child of “none”. In some cases, some have dropped the corresponding name and adopted the name Fyngekora by choice after coming of age as a way to dissociate themselves from one or both parents (e.g. they disown their parent out of shame).

Examples: Pižrikora, Troskora, Tolokora, Fyngekora

[edit] [top]Personal/Given Name

The last name is the given or personal name. Personal names are usually words that signify objects in nature or represent aspirational personal traits. Rarely are any other given names used. The names of animals, however, are never used, as these were traditionally believed to be too holy for given names.

Nearly all personal names are unisex, though there are some that are traditionally male or female names. Unisex names can take a gendered prefix (“rär-“ or “fas-“) if the gender of the referent must be specified. Names are always declined as though they were an animate noun, even if the noun itself would normally not be animate.

Examples: Pižri (Sky), Tros (Brook), Tolo (Tree)

[edit] [top]Titles

The title Totki can be added to the end of a family name or full name, similar to how an English speaker would use “Mr.” or “Mrs.”. It is most often used as a way to show respect. A gendered prefix can optionally be added to this title when used with non-personal names, especially the family names, as a way to specify which family member.

[edit] [top]Addressing a Person

In situations where the family name is sufficient to identify a person, that is the name that is used. In most situations, a person’s identity is clarified (when needed) with their matronymic or patronymic. Personal names are generally only used by family, close friends, on official documents (where the full name is used), or when the matronymic, patronymic, and/or family names are not enough to clarify who is being addressed or discussed.

Example Full Name With Title: Sarha Inaka Tolokora Troskora Pižri Totki

[edit] [top]Declining Names

Usually only the first stated name is declined, though any number of them (except Totki) may be declined. Totki is never declined unless used by itself, though this usage is rare and often seems stilted and old-fashioned.
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