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Lesson #1
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 2 Aug 2020, 04:31.

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Menu 1. Orthographic Introduction 2. Okay Vowels, Now Let's Get in Formation 3. Басин Сян Ёо? And Other Ways to Greet Someone
[edit] [top]Orthographic Introduction

The beginning of learning any new language is understanding its orthography. Zanti uses an alphabet writing system similar to that of the Mongolian Cyrillic Alphabet, albeit with a few adjustments that I felt made sense for the phonology of Zanti. Below is a chart detailing the Zanti Cyrillic Alphabet:

[edit] [top]Okay Vowels, Now Let's Get in Formation

Vowels in Zanti follow two systems: length and harmony. We will cover harmony later as we get into more lessons, but we'll start with vowel length for today. When two identical vowels are placed side by side, the overall length of the vowel is lengthened, making "үү" read as /uː/ and not /uu/.

[edit] [top]Басин Сян Ёо? And Other Ways to Greet Someone

Here are some basic phrases used in Zanti to greet others.
Zanti PhraseEnglish Equivalent
Басин cян ёо!Hello! (formal, used the first time you've seen someone that day)
Сян ёо!Hello! (informal, used when you've already seen someone that day)
Рөгөөлий сян.Good morning.
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