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Southern Dialects
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 23 Dec 2020, 05:58.

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Menu 1. Pronunciation differences 2. Grammatical differences 3. Dialect transcription Southern Dialect, natively known as 南島さとぅり (nam.sʌʰɯ.li) a geographical dialect grouping of dialects spoken in the south. The sub dialects are often times very different, ranging from intelligible with Korean to intelligible with Japanese. The most widely spoken southern dialects are the Uldae dialects in Uldae city and Uldae county as well as the Gimbo island dialects spoken in Kageshima and Daiyashima. Other Southern dialects include Gamneung, Simseung, Gimbo mainland andd more.

The southern dialects are actually very different as mentioned and they are only classified geographically. The dialects can be divided into 3 main groups - Uchisaki/Far Southern dialects(Uldae city, Uldae county, Yeolbang and Dongjam dialects), Nagatoya(Gamneung, Simseung, Gimbo mainland dialects) and Gimbo Island dialects (Kageshima, Daiyashima). The Gimbo island dialect is intelligible with the Kagoshima dialect(A dialect of Japanese spoken in Kyushu, Japan) due to historic influence from immigration, you may learn more about this by clicking here.
[edit] [top]Pronunciation differences

Aspirated consonants are a distinct feature of the spoken variety in Uldae city and county.

In Nagatoya, there are no aspirated consonants at all

As mentioned before in Yeolbang and Dongjam ɭ is read as ɻ

In Dongjam there is still a distinction between long and short vowels

In Gamneung city l is always read as ɾ

In Simseung l is read as r or ɾ

In Gimbo mainland l is read as ɹ or ɾ

In Yeolbang ʌ is read as y

In Nagatoya and Gimbo unvoiced vowels are accepted

In Nagatoya and Gimbo t͡ɕ in "じ" is read as d͡ʑ

In Gimbo final unreleased stops are read as a glottal stop but can be assimilated into other consonants

Gimbo dialect exhibits vowel reduction

Gimbo dialect also has a different accent system

In Gimbo ɯ is read as u

In Kageshima l and ɾ are read as ɽ

In Daiyashima l and ɾ are read as ɽ or ɾ

In Daiyashima some words are pronounced differently than in Kageshima

Kageshima: oiya, koiya, soiya, aiya, ya, wazze

Daiyashima: orya, korya, sorya, arya, ja, makote(most popular word)/wanze

[edit] [top]Grammatical differences

The topic, subject and object particles are obligatory in Uldae city and Uldae county

Locative particles are obligatory in Uldae city

"ji" is used as standard Koreo-Japanese "yo" in Nagatoya

The copula is omitted in Yeolbang

When conjugating present tense, the ending is omitted outside of Uldae city and Uldae county

The particle "ha" is used to mark questions in Uldae county

The copula in Gimbo mainland is "mos(u)" and is also used for intransitive verbs (exception is the word to like, to tell and to think, they all use the word "is")

The word for "and" is often omitted in Nagatoya

The verb endings are shortened in Simseung and Gimbo (in Gimbo it is more heavily shortened)

In Nagatoya and Gimbo the question particle is only used in clauses(Except for Gimbo island)

In Gimbo island the topic, subject and object markers are not omitted.

In Gimbo island adjectives and verbs are conjugated differently and have a connective form as well as a conditional form.

In Daiyashima "ya" is used as a question marker whereas in Kageshima "ke" is used as a question marker.

[edit] [top]Dialect transcription


Due to Gimbo mainland's unnatural intonation, the accented syllable has the ´ diacritic to signify its stress.

Voiceless vowels are written with the ` diacritic

Some transcriptions of the Gimbo mainland dialect has u for u and others with û for u, both represent the sound u because the Gimbo mainland dialect lacks an ɯ sound, pardon me for the inconsistencies within transcription

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