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Introduction to Middle Iadrajan
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Overview of Middle Iadrajan
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 22 Nov 2021, 06:39.

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Middle Iadrajan is an older form of the modern version of Iadrajan. Middle Iadraja differs in several areas from it's modern descendent, however it's main differences are spelling and pronunciation. The Iadrajan language underwent a vowel and consonant shift which is shown in Middle Iadrajan as being the start of the Iadrajan's language sound shift.

Here is a sentence in both languages to show the differences in the changes between one another:

Here is the king to whom the throne is granted by the Heavens.
 Iadrajan: Зхад цар к зду рцачкя спрахамелудмля дуль лабахама.
 Middle Iadrajan: Зѣгатъ цар ѫѣюд - къзамёндохаю/къздохаю - рѣцачкяй долълебагамён сѣпрагамелдюмля.

Middle Iadrajan, like it's descendent, heavily uses a case system to underline functions within a sentence. However, unlike it's descendent, Middle Iadrajan preferred to use the syntax of SOV when possible, compared to the SVO preference of Modern Iadrajan. Because of the case system, any syntax is acceptable in both versions of the language, however in Middle Iadrajan, the SOV syntax was used more often than in Modern Iadrajan.

One thing to note if you don't understand Iadrajan grammatical structure it is best to look at  Iadrajan for underlining the grammatical concepts of the language as both languages use the same ideas and systems.


Middle Iadrajan does not differ in the inventory of sounds when compared to Modern Iadrajan. Instead, Middle Iadrajan's only main difference is the inclusion of the ѣ letter and it's associated sound "ɨ". Middle Iadrajan would undergo a sound change leading to the eventually removal of the ɨ sound from the language in most areas. The ɨ sound was a common vowel in the language, however in the course of the "de-voweling" of many Iadrajan words, the ɨ started to be removed from most words present in the language. This is why in Modern Iadrajan, there are many complex syllable structures with heavy consonant clusters. As the removing of this sound, which was present in many of these complex structures, was eventually faded out of pronunciation.

Verbs in Middle Iadrajan differ in the endings of the conjugations. The tenses are the same in both languages, however as mentioned above, Middle Iadrajan prefers SOV syntax rather than SVO syntax. Here is another sentence of Middle Iadrajan compared to Modern Iadrajan using the word "Ꙓдвуць" = to find from Middle Iadrajan.

We found the dog.
 Middle Iadrajan: "Ꙓдвуць" = to find
- Нѣн ꙓдочшяй ꙓдвулню
 Iadrajan:"Ꙙтвуць" = to find
- Нин ꙙтвулун идошя.

Question Words and Their Cultural Linkage

Another big different between Middle Iadrajan and Modern Iadrajan is how the languages saw and used questions. Question words like who, what, where, how were seen differently in Middle Iadrajan. In Middle Iadrajan, the status of an individual, that being their social status, affected the question itself and how it was used. For example:

In  Iadrajan the questions words are as follows:
Здо = Who
Ждо = What
Ждов = Whose/What's(possessive)
Чунед = Which
Дезда = Where
Умдезду = Where from/From where
Кдездаи = To where/Where to
Созда = When
Стожд = Why(General)
Дастожду = Why/What for
Лаз = How(state of being, wellness, state of existence)
Лазад = How/ how to (does, question about actions/verbs)

Here you can see that is there is a distinction in each question word. Like the distinction between who and what for example. However, in Middle Iadrajan there is NO who or what distinction. Who and what are the same in Middle Iadrajan. For example:

The word for who and what is Зайдох and Жѐтдох. Both these words mean both who/what. However, the word you'd use depended on your social status in respect to the person you were asking the question. The word Зайдох means honored one, one meaning a person and the word Жѐтдох means nobody or no one, with the word one meaning person.

If a noble, or an individual with high status, was to ask a question to someone, they'd use Зайдох or Жѐтдох depending on who or what they were in reference to. For example, if a noble saw a king, or another noble, and asked someone about who they were. they'd say, "Жѣ зайдох ем ѫѣлдю?" = Who/What was he?/LITERALLY: The honored one[over there], who was he? The word "Жѣ" is a question particle used at this time, it no longer exists in Iadrajan. The word зайдох is used here because the speaker knows that the person they are in reference to is a person of higher or equal status to themselves. If the same noble were to see a serf or perhaps sees a young child and asked about that person they'd say, "Жѣ жѐтдох ем ѫѣлдю?" = Who/What was he?/LITERALLY: The nobody[over there], who was he?

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