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№2 Учна: Сашемстнаи
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On gender, cases, and others
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Menu 1. Noun Gender 2. Plural 3. Grammatical Cases 4. What to do with Nouns Ending in Ь, Ъ, Ѣ
The Iadrajan language has a complex case system for their nouns. There are 3 genders for the nouns, as well as, 7 grammatical cases which are put on the end of nouns to describe how nouns are being used in the sentence. First we will start on the 3 genders, and how to identify them, then we'll show them in the 7 cases of the Iadrajan language.

[edit] [top]Noun Gender

In Iadrajan, to identify a noun's gender, simply look at the ending of the noun.

There are 3 genders: Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter.

Masculine Nouns always end in a consonant letter, or sound.
Example: Рих = meat

Feminine Nouns always end in '-a'.
Example: Чакруша = meditation

Neuter Nouns end either with '-o' or '-e'.
Себресо = military
Лумне = loom

[edit] [top]Plural

To pluralize a noun do the following:

Nouns add '-и' to the ending
Example: Рихи = meats

Feminine Nouns add '-и' to the ending
Example: Чакрушаи = meditations

Neuter Nouns add '-и' to the ending
Себресои = militaries
Лумнеи = looms

[edit] [top]Grammatical Cases

Finally for this lesson, we'll be going over the grammatical cases that Iadrajan uses to describe how nouns are being used in the sentence. Nouns change their endings to reflect the case that it's being used in, also each gender has its own endings, as well as, its own plural endings to show this.

First we'll go over each case, to show you how they are used, then show examples of nouns from all 3 genders and their plural form with it. (Note: some of these grammatical cases DO HAVE other uses, but for the sake of simplicity, these examples will just show the main use of the cases.)

Nominative Case:
The Nominative Case is the base, and dictionary, form of a noun. It is used to show the subject of a sentence.
  • Masculine: Рих = meat // Рихи = meats
  • Feminine: Чакруша = meditation // Чакрушаи = meditations
  • Neuter: Себресо, Лумне = military, loom // Себресои, Лумнеи = militaries, looms

Accusative Case:
The Accusative Case shows the object of the sentence. In other words, it shows what the subject(Nominative) is going to object(Accusative) of the sentence.
  • Masculine: Рих = meat // Рихих = meats
  • Feminine: Чакрушя = meditation // Чакрушиаи = meditations
  • Neuter: Себресу, Лумнѐ = military, loom // Себресух, Лумниеи = militaries, looms

Genitive Case
The Genitive Case shows a noun's ownership of other noun, or object. Put the noun who is the owner into the Genitive Case. Also the owner comes after the noun that it owns.
  • Masculine: Риха = meat's // Рихов = meats'
  • Feminine: Чакрушо = meditation's // Чакрушос = meditations'
  • Neuter: Себресо, Лумно = military's, loom's // Себресов, Лумнов = militaries', looms'

Dative Case
The Dative Case shows the indirect object of a sentence, for example: "I gave flowers to Maria." Maria would be in the Dative Case. Also the Dative Case is used to show motion to an object, or place. Example: " I rode the bus to Yolska." Yolska would be in the Dative Case. The preposition 'к'(to), is used in this case
  • Masculine: К риха = to the meat // К рихахи = to the meats
  • Feminine: К чакрушаи = to the meditation // К чакрушаих = to the meditations
  • Neuter: К себресу, К лумнеи = to the military, to the loom // К себресухи, К лумнеих = to the militaries, to the looms

Instrumental Case
The Instrumental Case in Iadrajan, shows usage of an object. For example: "I wrote with a pen." 'with a pen' is in the Instrumental Case. It can also be used to show company, for example: "I am with Maria." 'with Maria' is in the Instrumental Case, though it is considered slang to use it that way instead of the proper way done by the InstruC Case. Also note that the preposition "са"(with) is used in this case.
  • Masculine: Са рихим = with meat // Са рихимѐ = with meats
  • Feminine: Са чакрушам = with meditation // Са чакрушами = with meditations
  • Neuter: Са себресом, Са лумнем = with military, with the loom // Са себресоми, Са лумнеми = with militaries, with looms

Instrumental-Comitative Case
The Instrumental-Comitative Case(InstruC Case) shows the company of an person, or object. For example: "I am with my father" 'with my father' is in the InstruC Case. This case is weird in the fact that you DO NOT NEED to use "ca"(with) in the sentence construction; if you do use са, it emphasizes the given noun.
  • Masculine: Са рихис = with meat // Са рихасѐ = with meats
  • Feminine: Са чакрушаc = with meditation // Са чакрушaсѐ = with meditations
  • Neuter: Са себресос, Са лумнеc = with military, with the loom // Са себресосѐ, Са лумнесѐ = with militaries, with looms

Prepositional Case
The Prepositional Case shows location and position of the noun. For example: "David is in the store." 'in the store' is in the Prepositional Case. When using this case, most to all prepositions, minus a couple of them, will put the noun into the Prepositional Case, though not all. For this we'll use the preposition 'аль'(in).
  • Masculine: Аль рихѐ = in the meat // Аль рихѐх = in the meats
  • Feminine: Аль чакрушѐ= in meditation // Аль чакрушaх = in meditations
  • Neuter: Аль себресѐ, Аль лумнѐ = in the military, in the loom // Аль себресох, Аль лумнѐх = in militaries, in looms

[edit] [top]What to do with Nouns Ending in Ь, Ъ, Ѣ

Nouns ending in these letters are treated differently compared to nouns ending in the standard gender endings. Firstly, the case endings for these nouns are different, and secondly the gender of these nouns are not firmly established. What this means is often Iadrajan speakers will used masculine, feminine or neuter agreement with these nouns to change the connotation or even change the meaning of the word completely. Here are 3 words with these letters and with there most commonly used gender:

Ярль = Earl/Jarl
- The word Ярль in Iadrajan is considered a masculine noun.
Морилъ = Ocean
-The word Морилъ is considered a feminine noun.
Крабѣ = Office
- The word Крабѣ is considered a neuter noun.

Changing the grammatical gender of the word can change the meaning of the word:

Where the word changed completely:
Морилъ = Ocean
Морилъ = Formation(military)
Морилъ = "metaphorical" ocean, span of time

Where the word changes its purpose:
Крабѣ = Office(The whole of the commercial space)
Крабѣ = Office(Individual work room/space within the commercial space)
Крабѣ = Office(Home or household room)

Where the words change slightly:
Ярль = Male Earl/Jarl
Ярль = Female Earl/Jarl
Ярль = "Concept of the Earl/Jarl", when using Earl/Jarl as an idea
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