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Serbinian Names
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This article features the naming culture and names of ethnic Serbinians.
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 15 Dec 2015, 20:53.

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Menu 1. Номији Сербиљаскиси - Serbinian names 2. Номији Песојаси - Personal Names 3. Близкиномији - Nicknames 4. Номији Фамија - Family Names 5. Презима -Surnames 6. Affixes 7. Афиксo Фамија - Familial Affix 8. Афиксo Фамиље - Humble Familial Affix 9. Афиксo Идила - Polite Familial Affix 10. Афиксa Усратуна - Honorific Familial Affixes 11. More Examples of Names
[edit] [top]Номији Сербиљаскиси - Serbinian names

Serbinian names are rendered in the Western name order with the surnames placed after the given name. Influenced by the Spanish, today most Serbinians use both a paternal and maternal surname. Also, a patronymic and matronymic middle name is usually given; but this is only used in very formal situations.

[edit] [top]Номији Песојаси - Personal Names

Like their European ancestors, a child is given a first name chosen by their parents or chosen by godparents. Due to the ethnic diversity of the early settlers in modern Serbinia, many Serbinians have names of various cultures.

  • Portuguese

  • Most Serbinians have name of Portuguese origin. This is due to the large influx of Portuguese settlers in Brazil.

    • Гавје -(gavje) c.f. Gabriel
    • Жујо -(ʒujo) c.f. João
    • Марјана -(marjana) c.f. Mariana
    • Софја -(sofja) c.f. Sophia

  • Serbian

  • Since the majority of Serbinian ancestors are Serbian, the names of many are of Serbian origin.

    • Анастасја -(anastasja) c.f. Anastasija
    • Богдан -(bogdan) c.f. Bogdan
    • Бранимир -(branimir) c.f. Branimir
    • Слажана -(slaʒana) c.f. Sladjana

  • Japanese

  • Many Japanese names are also present among Serbinians.

    • Акемиј -(akemi) c.f. Akemi
    • Исамо -(isamo) c.f. Isamu
    • Минако -(minako) c.f. Minako
    • Такахиро -(takaxiro) c.f. Takahiro

Many other cultural names of the ethnic and national groups that comprise the ancestors of the Serbinians are used. These include Italian, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Yoruba, Zulu and Korean given names.

[edit] [top]Близкиномији - Nicknames

Most Serbinian nicknames are adjectival in origin and denotes a personality or appearance trait of the person to whom it is given.

Others, however, are based on the personal name of someone. Nicknames for common personal names are:

  • Марња - Марјана
  • Тахиј - Такахиро
  • Нако - Минако
  • Таша - Анастасја
  • Чучу - Жујо
  • Брамиј - Бранимир
  • Омис - Олувајемисиј

[edit] [top]Номији Фамија - Family Names

Family names to Serbinians are not surnames, but are patronymic and matronymic personal names which are used only in formal situations.

These names are a combination of the genitive form of the parent's name and a special affix used to denote either 'son of (mother)', 'daughter of (mother)', 'son of (father), or 'daughter of (father)'.

Patronymics are Russian in structure.
  • -вич (vit͡ʃ) 'son of (father)'
  • -вна (vna) 'daughter of (father)'

Matronymics are Hebraic in structure.
  • -бен (ben) 'son of (mother)'
  • -бат (bat) 'daughter of (mother)'

[edit] [top]Презима -Surnames

Surnames in the Serbinian culture are modeled after the Spanish. This means that Serbinians typically used double surnames. Also, upon marrying, women keep their surnames but includes the surname of the husband after the special marital preposition авек.

  • Гавје Богданавич Акемијабен Аварис Ватанабе (gavje bogdanavit͡ʃ akemijaben avaris vatanabe) - Gabriel son of Bogdan son of Akemi Alvares Watanabe

  • Слажана Жујавна Марјабат Боржис Антонели (slaʒana ʒujavna marjabat borʒis antoneli) - Sladjana daughter of João daughter of Mary Bourgeois Antonelli

she becomes
  • Слажана Жујавна Марјабат Боржис Антонели авек Аварис Ватанабе (slaʒana ʒujavna marjabat borʒis antoneli avek avaris vatanabe) - Sladjana daughter of João daughter of Mary Bourgeois Antonelli and Alvares Watanabe

[edit] [top]Affixes

As shown with the family names, affixes are used in the formation of other types of names in Serbinian. These other affixes vary based on who is using them, the person to whom one is referring and the person to whom one is speaking.

[edit] [top]Афиксo Фамија - Familial Affix

This familial affix is used when one is referring to the surname of someone familiar or close or with someone of the same family.

The familial affix is (а)ж.

  • Ватанабеж - Ватанабе
  • Аварисаж - Аварис

[edit] [top]Афиксo Фамиље - Humble Familial Affix

The humble familial affix is a separate word that is prefixed to the surname and is used when one is his or own surnames with someone who is not in the same family.

The humble familial affix is ду(с).

When both surnames are used, the conjunction ва is placed between them and the second surname does not have the prefix ду(с).

  • Дус-Вандаик - Вандаик
  • Ду-Шнаида - Шнаида

[edit] [top]Афиксo Идила - Polite Familial Affix

The polite familial affix is used when one is speaking to or about someone which whom they wish to show respect. It is most commonly used with people in positions of authority, with someone older and when a surname is used in public announcement.

The polite familial affix is (и)ша.

  • Танакаша - Танака
  • Бекериша - Бекер

[edit] [top]Афиксa Усратуна - Honorific Familial Affixes

There are two honorific familial affixes and they are circumfixes. One is used for men, while the other is used for women. The honorific familial affixes are used when addressing or referring to a member of the government (i.e. the President, Prime Minister, members of Parliament, local government officials, etc.) or in religious text.

The honorific familial affixes are а(л)- -(и)н for men and и(л)- -(а)т for women.

  • Аламаран - Амара
  • Абонфиљолијин - Бонфиљолиј
  • Илеспоситот - Еспосито
  • Игимат - Гим

[edit] [top]More Examples of Names

John son of Andrew son of Sophia Bianchi Van Dijk
  • Full name: Јован Андријавич Софјабен Бјанкиј Вандаик
  • Nickname: Ваниј
  • Familial: Јован 'Ваниј' Бјанкијаж Вандаикаж
  • Humble: Јован Дус-Бјанкиј ва Вандаик
  • Polite: Јован Андријавич Софјабен Бјанкијиша Вандаикиша
  • Honorific: Јован Андријавич Софјабен Абанкијин Авандаикин

Takahiro daughter of Alexander daughter of Oluwayemisi Schneider Du Champs
  • Full name: Такахиро Алечандавна Олувајемисијабат Шнаида Душам
  • Nickname: Тахиј
  • Familial: Такахиро 'Тахиј' Шнаидаж Душамаж
  • Humble: Такахиро Ду-Шнаида ва Душам
  • Polite: Такахиро Алечандавна Олувајемисијабат Шнаидаша Душамиша
  • Honorific: Такахиро Алечандавна Олувајемисијабат Ишнаидат Идушамат
  • Married: Такахиро Алечандавна Олувајемисијабат Шнаидаша Душамиша авек Антонелиша Ватанабеша
  • Married to Honorific: Такахиро Алечандавна Олувајемисијабат Шнаидаша Душамиша авек Абанкијин Абанданкин

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