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Rules and details of Gejak
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 31 Jul 2017, 03:10.

[Public] ? ?
1. Gejak ? ?
Gejak the Board Game(11x11 board, scalable)
Starting Rules:
The bottom and top Ranks are filled with Ke(White) and Ne(Black) pieces("Ke Tej'e" and "Ne Tej'e") respectively, Ne makes the first move with its base in one of the center 4(1 for odd boards) tile(s), Ne then moves for Ke with the moves tiun(base) within the center 16(9 for odd boards) tiles, Ne then picks 2 moves to be made with their tiun within the center 36(25 for odd boards) tiles, Ke chooses one of the two moves and that move is made, Ke and Ne then alternate between making moves with their tiun anywhere on the board excluding the the outermost thenat(files).
Set Bank:
there are 6 sets
Two with diagonal lines going through the tiun, called "keash" and "pan"
One with a v with the tiun at the point of the v, called a "shea"
One with a carrot with the tiun at the point of the carrot, called a "dik"
One with a horizontal line going through the tiun, "nip"
And one with no extension the tiun "diuri"
To reuse a set you must have already used all available sets.
Any piece or pieces contained between pieces of the opposite color with no empty tiles between them are captured.
If a space between two pieces is filled up and contains at least one piece of the opposite color, all pieces are captured.
The furthest apart group of filled pieces is the one considered when all in between pieces are captured.
if between 2 pieces of the opposite color are pieces of both colors without empty tiles all pieces between those 2 pieces are captured
Ending the Game:
The game ends when no more moves can be made, after this pieces on the board are counted and whoever has the most pieces wins.

Play the game:
A version of the game where the opponent just makes completely random moves.
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