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Shùngchǒu's Grammar
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This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 18 Oct 2023, 16:44.

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Menu 1. Syntax 2. Case 3. Imperative 4. Questions
If there is something not covered that you want to know, post it in the comments and I'll update this article to cover it.
[edit] [top]Syntax

 Shùngchǒu's word order is VOS. eg

Chǒu su kä!
know 2Second person (person)
addressee (you)
1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I
I know you!

There are nominative and accusative markers, but they're not used for pronouns or proper nouns. (tu_word = accusative, xï_word = nominative) eg

Chǒu tu chá xï pē.
know ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
dog NOMNominative (case)
TRANS subject, INTR argument
The person knows the dog.

There are a few exceptions for when you use the nominative and accusative markers. One of them is the inactive voice. You mark the inactive voice by switching the subject and the object, and now, both the subject and the object get marked no matter what. (tu would still mark the patient and xï would mark the agent, so I guess you could call them patient and agent markers instead) eg

Chǒu tu kä.
know ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I
I am known.

Chǒu xï hï tu pē.
know NOMNominative (case)
TRANS subject, INTR argument
3Third person (person)
neither speaker nor addressee
ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
The person is known by them.

Nouns are head initial, so numerals, adjectives, relative clauses etc come after the noun. Relative clauses are marked by the genitive, and there are no relative pronouns. This is also one of the times that all noun are marked. eg

pē vè chǒu tu xï kä
person GENGenitive (case)
know ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
NOMNominative (case)
TRANS subject, INTR argument
1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I

the person that I know

The only thing words are marked for in  Shùngchǒu is case. The nominative, accusative and genitive cases are marked by a preposition, but the rest of the cases have conjugations. If a marked noun is only one syllable, then a word that describes it should be put after it. eg

dǎo dǎm
cliff.LOCLocative (case)
'in, on, at' etc
at the cliff
[edit] [top]Imperative

To command someone you just make the subject a vocative. eg

Shou supē!
eat 2Second person (person)
addressee (you)
.VOCVocative (case)
'O [addressee]'
[edit] [top]Questions

For yes or no questions you just reduplicate the word that you're inquiring about. eg

Chǒu chǒu su kä?
know know 2Second person (person)
addressee (you)
1First person (person)
speaker, signer, etc; I

Do I know you?

For other questions you replace the information that you're asking about with "che". Basically what Chinese does with 什么. eg

Chǒu tu che su?
know ACCAccusative (case)
TRANS direct object; patient
what 2Second person (person)
addressee (you)

What do you know?
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