Xhorial [XRL]
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Language type
A priori
About Xhorial
I have now regained control: we will be returning to business as usual, however, do feel free to continue directing all your complaints at @bͤ n by clicking here, especially those regarding the following pictures.
Sample of Xhorial[view] Só, vov xhe čgithedį łe fì xhe čgithedį i, tedį owhós who.
Well, if you don't eat beef, and you don't eat cow, how can you be alive‽[view all texts]
Well, if you don't eat beef, and you don't eat cow, how can you be alive‽[view all texts]
Language family relationships
Language treeXhovian
⤷ Proto-Xhovian
⤷ Karric
⤷ Proto-Kangile
⤷ Early Xhorial
⤷ Middle Xhorial
⤷ Xhorial
⤷ Proto-Xhovian
⤷ Karric
⤷ Proto-Kangile
⤷ Early Xhorial
⤷ Middle Xhorial
⤷ Xhorial
[view] About XhovianPerhaps Sahar's strangest language family, the modern-day Xhovian /'xəʊviən,'həʊviən/ languages are not on Sahar, so they are not, not. well yes.
The family is fundamentally split in two, into the
The family is fundamentally split in two, into the
Consonants | Bilabial | Labio- dental | Dental | Alveolar | Post- Alveolar | Alveolo- palatal | Palatal | Labio- velar | Velar | Uvular | Glottal | |||||||||||
Nasal | m m̥ | n n̩ n̥ | ŋ [ŋ̩] ŋ̥ | |||||||||||||||||||
Plosive | pʼ pʰ | b | tʼ [tʰ] | d | kʼ kʰ | g | qʼ | ʔ | ||||||||||||||
Fricative | f f̩ | v [v̩] | s s̩ | [z] [z̩] | [ʃ] ʃ̩ | ʒ [ʒ̩] | ç | [x̩] | [ɣ̩] | χ | ʁ | |||||||||||
Affricate | t͡ʃʼ t͡ʃʰ | [d͡ʒ] | [c͡çʼ] [c͡çʰ] | [ɟ͡ʝ] | [k͡x] | q͡χʼ | ||||||||||||||||
Lateral approximant | l l̩ | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lateral fricative | ɬ | [ɮ] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Approximant | j | w | ||||||||||||||||||||
Click | ǀ ǀʱ ǀʰ | ǃ ǃʱ ǃʰ | ǁ ǁʱ ǁʰ | |||||||||||||||||||
Implosive | [ɓ] | [ɗ] | [ɠ] |
Blends | ɟʎ | ǁ͡ʁ | ǀ͡ɢ | ǃ͡ʁ | ǁ͡ɢ | ǃ͡ɢ | ǀ͡ʁ | ǀ͡χʼ ǀ͡χʰ | ǁ͡χʼ ǁ͡χʰ | ǃ͡qʼ ǃ͡qʰ |
ǁ͡qʼ ǁ͡qʰ | ǃ͡χʼ ǃ͡χʰ | ǀ͡qʼ ǀ͡qʰ | cʎ̥ʼ cʎ̥ʰ | kʟ̝̥ | pr̥ | qʀ̥ | tr̥ |
Vowels | Front | Back | ||
Close | i | u ũ | ||
Close-mid | o õ | |||
Open-mid | ɛ ɛ̃ | |||
Open | a ã |
Below is the orthography for Xhorial. This includes all graphemes as defined in the language's phonology settings - excluding the non-distinct graphemes/polygraphs.
XhorialOrthography [edit] | |||||||||
Ąą Ąą /ã/ | Áá Áá /i/ | А´а` Aa /a/ | Бб Bb /b/, [ɓ] | Чč Čč /ǀ/ | Цц Cc /cʎ̥ʼ/, [c͡çʼ] | ЧГ čг ČG čg /ǀʱ/ | ЧГГ čгг ČGG čgg /ǀ͡ɢ/ | ЧГW čгw ČGW čgw /ǀ͡ʁ/ | ЦХ цх CH ch /cʎ̥ʰ/, [c͡çʰ] |
ЧХ čх ČH čh /ǀʰ/ | ЧК čк ČK čk /ǀ͡qʼ/ | ЧКХ čкх ČKH čkh /ǀ͡qʰ/ | ЧWХ čwх ČWH čwh /ǀ͡χʼ/ | ЧҲХ čҳх ČXH čxh /ǀ͡χʰ/ | Дд Dd /d/, [ɗ] | Ęę Ęę /ɛ̃/ | Ее Ee /ɛ/ | Фф Ff /f/ | Гг Gg /g/, [ɠ] |
ГХ гх GH gh /ʒ/ | ГW гw GW gw /ʁ/ | Хх Hh /ç/ | Ìì Ìì /ʃ̩/, [ʒ̩] | Įį Įį /n̩/, [ŋ̩] | Ии Ii /s̩/, [ɣ̩], [z̩], [x̩] | Ъъ Jj /ɟʎ/, [ɟ͡ʝ] | Кк Kk /kʼ/ | КХ кх KH kh /kʰ/ | Лл Ll /l/, [ɮ] |
Ľľ Ľľ /ǁ/ | ĽГ ľг ĽG ľg /ǁʱ/ | ĽГГ ľгг ĽGG ľgg /ǁ͡ɢ/ | ĽГW ľгw ĽGW ľgw /ǁ͡ʁ/ | ĽХ ľх ĽH ľh /ǁʰ/ | ĽК ľк ĽK ľk /ǁ͡qʼ/ | ĽКХ ľкх ĽKH ľkh /ǁ͡qʰ/ | ĽWХ ľwх ĽWH ľwh /ǁ͡χʼ/ | ĽҲХ ľҳх ĽXH ľxh /ǁ͡χʰ/ | Мм Mm /m/ |
МХ мх MH mh /m̥/ | Нн Nn /n/ | НХ нх NH nh /n̥/ | Оо Oo /o/ | Ǫǫ Ǫǫ /õ/ | О´о` Óó /u/ | Пп Pp /pʼ/ | ПХ пх PH ph /pʰ/ | ПW пw PW pw /pr̥/ | Qq Qq /qʼ/ |
QХ qх QH qh /kʟ̝̥/, [k͡x] | Сс Ss /ɬ/, [ʃ] | Тт Tt /tʼ/ | Ťť Ťť /ǃ/ | ŤГ ťг ŤG ťg /ǃʱ/ | ŤГГ ťгг ŤGG ťgg /ǃ͡ɢ/ | ŤГW ťгw ŤGW ťgw /ǃ͡ʁ/ | ТХ тх TH th /tr̥/, [tʰ] | ŤХ ťх ŤH ťh /ǃʰ/ | ŤК ťк ŤK ťk /ǃ͡qʼ/ |
ŤКХ ťкх ŤKH ťkh /ǃ͡qʰ/ | ŤWХ ťwх ŤWH ťwh /ǃ͡χʼ/ | ŤҲХ ťҳх ŤXH ťxh /ǃ͡χʰ/ | Уу Uu /f̩/, [v̩] | Ųų Ųų /ũ/ | Ùù Ùù /l̩/ | Вв Vv /v/ | Ww Ww /w/ | WХ wх WH wh /χ/ | Ҳҳ Xx /q͡χʼ/ |
ҲХ ҳх XH xh /qʀ̥/ | Йй Yy /j/, [ʃ] | Зз Zz /s/, [z] | Łч Łł /t͡ʃʼ/ | ŁХ чх ŁH łh /t͡ʃʰ/ | Ŋŋ Ŋŋ /ŋ/ | ŊХ ŋх ŊH ŋh /ŋ̥/ | |||
✖ Unknown alphabetical order [change] |
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