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Ixaxaci Umofa
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writing without straight lines
This public article was written by [Deactivated User], and last updated on 21 Sep 2018, 23:04.

[Public] ? ?
5. Umofa ? ?
This article describes Ixaxaci Umofa, the handwritten script for  Umofa. It is a syllabary written left-to-right with spaces between words. Word-initial vowels are written as diacritics on the following syllable, as the last row of the table shows.

Each glyph has at least one loop except for <nyo>. There are no straight lines in Ixaxaci Umofa. You may notice that some of the glyphs for the same consonant or vowel have some similarities.

This table is actually traced from my own handwriting!

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